White Must Haves

Hi ladies! Sorry I was lagging on posts last week. I feel like I have a never ending “to do” list?! Just when I get one thing checked off Im putting four more things down. We are STILL settling in from moving. It is crrrrazy how much longer it is has taken us to get our home together now that we have a baby. Some of you have requested a tour of our house so once we have it finished i’ll share a couple shots. Ava’s nursery is also JUST about finished and I’m so please with how its turning out. I have a few more finishing touches that need to be done and then Ill share it with you as well!
 I am excited we have a couple fun trips coming up so something to look forward to! Although I will say I am nervous to fly with miss Ava for the first time. I think we are totally going to be those people going through security that makes everyone switch lines lol. Any tips you ladies have on traveling with an infant are more than welcomed!!!

On another note Summer is in full swing and I feel like I need a little more white in my wardrobe.
Here are some white pieces i’ve been eyeing lately…

*Click on the set for details
Im obsessed with both these white blazers from Topshop and can’t decide which one to get!

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  1. Love the summer whites!

    LOL – I can't wait to read how your traveling goes, as I will be doing quite a bit as well with a newborn/baby.

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  2. My only advice may seem crazy…but it works for us. Type a list of everything you need for Ava, print it and highlight as you go while you are packing. Take a non highlighted list with you on your trip so when your packing to come home you can make sure you don't forget anything.

  3. okay..i need to say first i`m not comparing ava to a dog..but the first time i flew with kimchi, the doctor advised me to give him a bit of baby benadryl to help ease him on the flight. of course, i only gave him what the doctor recommended, but it really helped with his ear popping (which i know makes babies really uncomfortable too). maybe ask your doctor if there`s anything they recommend?

  4. I agree with the above, make a list of the things you need and that should help with "stress" the day of. We flew when Olivia was 6 months so she was still using a pacifier. she sucked on that the whole flight and slept from MI to FL and FL to MI. We got VERY lucky!! Make sure to have a changing pad in case you have to use those yucky airport/airplane bathrooms to do a diaper change and we brought a bottle with water and formula in case she got hungry.

    We brought our carseat/stroller combo and were able to do check on as we entered the plane. We kept Olivia in the stroller as long as possible and it made things easier. When going through security my husband and I "switched" off, we weren't allowed to put her in our bjorn carrier for some reason? Make sure you have everything out of the carseat/stroller before going through security because it has to go through the xray machine. we didn't know that the first time.

    Luckily people are usually pretty nice to people with babies! They let us cut lines and tried to help us. We also got on the plane first and off the plane last and had no issues with Olivia since she slept most of the time! 🙂

  5. Love all the white inspiration! Once I get to my goal weight I really want a new pair of white jeans. I am loving that long white skirt with the slit! We are flying with our 4 month old next weekend too! I am nervous as well. Hoping for a very sleepy baby during the flights! ha

  6. Breastfeeding was our best friend while flying!!! Especially during take off and landing it helped with pressure change for her ears… And anytime she got fussy I would let Cade nurse and after a few minutes it would relax her and shed calm down!!!

  7. I flew with my daughter cross country 20 times her first year and have done it a bunch with both since my son was born six months ago. My best advice is feeding of any kind during take off and landing and flights during sleeping time 9on their schedule.) Red eyes are my new best friend! She will do great 🙂

  8. Andee, I am flying with my son in a few weeks too (he'll be a little over 5 months) and I am already a nervous wreck! But you have-have-HAVE to read this website/blog from a mom who was also a flight attendant for several years. It's long but has really amazing tips and insight down to the tiniest details that you would never think of! It's my bible right now as I prepare for our first flight next month:

    Good luck! And I feel you on that neverending "to do" list. Part of being a mommy, I guess! =)

    -Jamie Lynn

  9. Andee, I am flying with my son in a few weeks too (he'll be a little over 5 months) and I am already a nervous wreck! But you have-have-HAVE to read this website/blog from a mom who was also a flight attendant for several years. It's long but has really amazing tips and insight down to the tiniest details that you would never think of! It's my bible right now as I prepare for our first flight next month: http://flyingwithchildren.blogspot.com/

    Good luck! And I feel you on that neverending "to do" list. Part of being a mommy, I guess! =)

    -Jamie Lynn

  10. Andee, can you please share how the sizing from topshop runs? I hear that things run small. I'm petite like you, and I am just wondering what size you order. I never trust the online size charts because they never seem to work for me! Thanks 🙂

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