What’s in Your Cart?!

Another Cart check in ladies! Next time your about to check out take another look in your cart and see what “not so healthy” items you can do without. If it makes its way to your house you will end up eating it.

I always start by piling in tons of organic fruit and veggies. If your fridge is stocked with these it makes it much easier to eat healthy!

Here are some of my go to tasty and nutrient packed snacks…

Homemade smoothie with frozen Acai ,strawberries, plain greek yogurt, chia seeds and orange juice

Toasted Ezekiel bread with half of a mashed avocado, topped with a little sea salt and some scrambled eggs (one whole egg and two egg whites)

Quick snack when I need a pick me up…Ezekiel bread, thin spread of almond butter, ground flax seed, half a banana and topped with a little manuka honey.

Chocolate Peanut Butter spread aka Heaven in a jar! I posted this on Instagram and am obsessed! Nutrition facts are comparable to regular peanut butter and this has less fat so Id much rather have this! (beware if you have a peanut butter weakness like myself this stuff is addicting!!)

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  1. Thanks! I love these healthy eats posts. Do you drink any diet cola drinks Andee? I need to quit but I'm addicted! I'm printing this out and I'm going to try that Chocolate Peanut Butter.

    1. I really don't drink soda because I feel like its just empty calories. I would rather spend my calories on something else but if soda is your vice I would stick to the smaller portion cans and try to get the all natural sodas (like Hansen) where they aren't packed with a ton of artificial chemicals xo

  2. Thanks so much for these kind of posts. You inspire me so much. Every since starting to read your blog I have lost 25 pounds. 20 more to go and then I am happy. My favorites of your recommendations are:

    Ezekiel Bread with PB and Banana
    Kashi Waffles with PB and Banana
    Skinny Fries
    Greek Yogurt and Fruit

    I would love to copy some of your recipes as well.

    THANKS THANKS THANKS for all your work you put in these kind of posts. Especially now, where you have to take care of the beautiful princess I apprciate your frequent postings even more.

    PS: One question: do you buy whole eggs and toss the yolk or how do you do it?

    1. thanks alexandra thats so nice to hear and congrats on losing 25 pounds thats major!!! As for the eggs I buy a carton of eggs and a carton of the liquid egg whites. I hate wasting the yolk from the carton eggs so I usually just use one whole egg and pour in the egg whites from the carton. Hope this helps and good luck with the continued weight loss!

    2. Thanks so much!!! I just picked up a avocado today and some whole grain bread. Never hat it that way. Cant wait!!!

    1. thanks Jennifer! Mommyhood is going good…it is quite to adjustment but feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. Feeling a little less like a zombie each day 😉 Hope to do a full update post and birth story soon xo

  3. Love these posts! I follow the honeybee Instagram and I'm always intrigued when you post food finds! Def going to pick up the chocolate pb!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great post! I love making my own smoothies too. If it is a fruit smoothie I often add about 1tsp of coconut oil. How are you feeling being a new mom? Take care!

    1. Oh great idea with the coconut oil! I'm going to do a post on that soon! Im still adjusting to the new mom thing but getting the hang of it 😉 Thanks for checking on me! Hoping to do my birth story and mommy update soon! xoox

  5. Sitting here and eating the Avocado Toast! OMG!!! It is soooo good. Thanks so much. I love your food postings. Do you think you can do some "A day in meals" Postings?

  6. Healthy cart! I luvvvvv cucumber!!, i buy 4 at a time , and can eat a whole in in one go!, so delicious and so good for you! :))

    G , London town

  7. Andeee your food postings are always such a treat to read, not to mention all the eye candy! Your ideas are an inspiration to us all; I have taken your ideas to heart and eat so much more cleaner now! Thank you! (tiffancastro, instagram!)

  8. Hey andee sorry if this is kind of random (I don't have a fb so I can leave a comment!) but I was recently thinking about getting an alexander wang rocco duffle and was wondering how you were liking yours, seeing as you've had it for awhile now. I'm hunting all over ebay for a reasonably priced one but before I commit to getting one I wanted to know if it was worth me paying an arm and a leg. I've been researching and while some people love it others say that it's heavy and pretty shapeless. If you could help me out i'd appreciate it so much!

    Vanessa xx

  9. I am loving your food posts – I get derailed SO easily at the grocery store and fall off my healthy eating wagon. Your posts are truly giving me inspiration and motivation to KEEP ON making healthy choices, day in & day out, not just once in a while. I hope motherhood is treating you well and you're able to give yourself a little TLC & rest! Take Care-

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