Weekend Randomness and Rambling

I hope you ladies had a great weekend! First I wanted to say thank you for all your compliments on my last outfit post. You all left some very nice comments on my legs (and some inquiring about a leg workout routine). As i’ve had mentioned before i’m not really a shorts girl. I rarely wear anything that shows my legs because I’ve had years of insecurities about them. I played sports all growing up and I often thought they were to muscular so I never wore shorts. Now, as I’m getting older 😉 I’m learning to try to appreciate my body more and trying to embrace every part of myself. I think as women we put WAY to much pressure on ourselves and we just need to appreciate what our bodies can do! So anyhow thank you again for the kind compliments they were really appreciated!

Okay back to the weekend randomness.We snuck in yet another double date night with some friends and had a great time. I think we are becoming a little spoiled with having family here and it’s going to be REALLY tough when they have to leave. I know it will be especially hard for Ava because she is OBSESSED with her older cousin. It’s so cute to see them interact and how entertained she is with him! Here are a few shots via the camera roll from this weekend…..
Gotta love stroller dads 😉
Hands down best dad in town 😉
I had a little girls night dinner at Montage in Laguna Beach last night. If you haven’t been to Montage Resort in Laguna you are missing out! I’ve talked about it before but it’s one of my favorite places! We had dinner at Studio (serious fine dining experience if you’re into that) and I highly recommend it. If you’re on a budget I still recommend stopping in for a drink with a view! There’s an outside spot that’s perfect for drinks/lunch called Mosaic.
a more “organic” shot 😉
Now that’s dinner with a view! 
 Presentation at its best with some table side balsamic

Lots of you asked about my dress on Instagram so here’s a full shot. I purchased it a few months ago on Shopbop but it’s sold out now. It’s a bit pricey but if you’re interested I found it on another website HERE. UPDATE *I just received an email from this shop thanking me for referring them and they gave me a 20% off coupon code for my readers enter 20HONEY at checkout. xo

 On another note I also met some Honeybee followers this weekend! You ladies were all fab and it was so nice meeting you! It’s always a trip running into girls who read my blog! If you happen to see me out feel free to say hi…I promise i’m normal 😉
Also a few of you have asked about my Tabs at the top of my blog. After my site went haywire a couple weeks ago I had to put this temporary header up. I will be redoing my layout next month and the tabs will be back up and running then. Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime! Okay that was a lot of randomness! Happy Monday Honeys! 

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  1. i think we really do put too much pressure on ourselves! you are GORGEOUS inside and out, and you should definitely feel that way! glad you had a fun weekend, girls nights are the best, but seeing daddy with the baby (or in my case kimchi haha) is so rewarding!

  2. I think you and I share the same obsession: maxi dresses. I played soccer for many years and hated my legs because my thighs and calves were huge and not thin and long like other girls. I guess that's one of the reasons I love maxi dresses, besides not worrying about shaving zee legs. 🙂

    You look so pretty and photogenic. I love the "life via the camera roll" posts since I don't have IG. Laguna Beach is beautiful!

  3. You look so young when you smile. If I had a smile like that I would smile all the time regardless if something was funny or not :).

  4. Wow, I never would have guessed this was an insecurity cause I too was admiring your legs!! They are definitely worth showing off! 😉 It's crazy how we women have insecurities that others would never notice or others love about us! I love the "organic shot"….your smile is so beautiful!!! You really are a beautiful person inside and out!

  5. When you smile it's very reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe!!!! GORGEOUS.

    And btw, never would've placed you as a legs-conscious kinda girl – that's why I didn't bother commenting on the last post cos I was lazy and figured you know how amazing you look. That's nuts! Defos we put too much unnecessary pressure on ourselves. Sorry for being so presumptuous; you're only human after all! For the record, if I had legs like yours, I'd be walkin round bottom-half nekkid all the time so people appreciate the awesomeness that is SUPER-GAMS. Much love! xoxo

  6. You should DEFINITELY wear shorts more often, I'd say that ANY woman in the world would kill for your legs. I honestly couldn't look anywhere else in the picture, except AT your legs! 🙂

  7. Having muscular legs is NOT a bad thing Andee! I'm working on getting more muscle tone in mine, so I am very jealous. Actually, I'm working on getting more definition everywhere LOL. You and your girls are gorgeous! I've walked through the Montage, but have never eaten there. It's on my must-do list for sure 🙂

  8. Love the dress! You look gorg in it!! What nail polish are you wearing??? I love it with the dress. Thinking of getting that dress too!

  9. Andee you are stunning from head to toe!!! Girl you cray for being insecure about your amazing legs! They're shapely, thin and toned!!!

  10. that elmo balloon picture makes me smile…you can tell ava LOVES her daddy and the feeling is mutual 😉

    you are a lucky girl my friend!!

  11. Thanks for the shout out Andee! That was totally me Friday! It's always nice to receive a compliment from complete stranger, so I had to tell you how much I adore your blog! Ladies, she is just as wonderful in person as she appears online!

  12. Thanks for being so sincere Andee! I have always hated my legs but for the complete opposite reason, chicken legs plus I have a lot of scarring from excema and other skin issues! But anyways, I've been coming to terms with them and accepting all of me as best as possible. It feels freeing to not give a damn anymore. And of course, you seriously have the prettiest legs! haha. Anyways, keep up the good work. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!

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