Travel: Virgin America

If you guys haven’t traveled on Virgin America yet…it is a must! I’ve flown Virgin a few times and it has easily replaced Jet Blue as my new favorite airline!

I love the energy at the check in….The fresh flowers, flat screens, no lines, and Justin Timberlake playing loudly through the terminal!

The first time I traveled Virgin I was waiting for the Disco ball to drop from the ceiling…. The purple lighting inside makes it feel like a party plane. On my 9am flight they were bumping Drakes new Album!

I have never had better food options on an airline. Being a health nut I was sooo excited to see they offered organic, gluten free and portion controlled options!!!

I love that they offer champagne in Economy! Had to have my mimosa… helps ease the flying anxiety. If you purchase “main cabin select” tickets you get priority boarding, unlimited food, beverages (alcohol as well), and movies during your flight.
**I love this airline and would highly recommend it! The only downfalls are that it is a little pricier than others and they don’t have as many destinations as some of the larger airlines. Have you flown Virgin?!!

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  1. I totally agree, Virgin is awesome and beats out JetBlue for a fun, economical airline.
    I got to experience it in December when I flew to L.A. and can't wait for my next trip out west. I'm always keeping an eye out for their travel deals.
    I'll have to take advantage of that Economy class next time! Just for that bottle alone, lol

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