Travel: NYC Part 1

I have to break our trip up into a few posts because we did so much and want to share it all with you!

Heading to the airport ( it was 530am can you tell by my facial expression?! 🙂 I try to keep my look effortless when flying.
(Theory off the shoulder top, J brand jeggings, Steve Madden distressed flat boots, fur trimmed parka and Givenchy bag i’ve been living in lately!)

If you havent flown Virgin America yet you must!!! (You can google my post on the airline in the box at the top of my page) We got a great deal on TRAVELZOO and paid less than $250 roundtrip each from LAX to JFK ( Do you guys know Travelzoo?! its amazing! If not I may have to do a post on it)

Ive been to NYC a ton of times and have stayed at the a lot of great hotels ( Four Seasons, Gansevoort etc ) but The Shoreham is my go to hotel. Its a boutique hotel that is affordable and in a great location right off 5th ave!

They give you free champagne upon check in (cant go wrong with that 🙂

They also have unlimited free espressos, hot chocolate and tea in the lobby which is perfect for the cold weather! I cant tell you how many lattes i had!

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  1. Wow I love it/ Thank you so much for the travel tips, I will def check into this boutiwue hotel and Virgin airline how awesome and modern both the flight and the hotel.

  2. I Love NYC!! I havent flown in Virgin America but my friends all recommend it,I've never heard of TravelZoo? thanks for the info girl you got a great deal!! have to check that out! :o)

  3. Love your travel pics, thanks for sharing. How hysterical, we share a name, dads who were in the military and a favorite NYC hotel! The Shoreham has been my favorite since I first stayed there in 2002.

  4. Virgin America is the best! I always feel like I'm in a club with all their funky lights. Cant wait to see the rest of your pics, It makes me want to go on a vacation =).

  5. thanks ladies!
    @deefromCG thats awesome you stayed there as well!! We love that hotel!
    @jenniferbelle im posting our restaurants picks soon! xo
    @sarah i know!! The first time i flew virgin i felt like i was in a music video haha!
    @andi so funny!!! so many things in common and im so glad you like the shoreham too!
    @myhoneylounge i will have to post on travelzoo you can score some amazing deals!

  6. your 5:30am looks better than most people's 5:30pm!! and free champagne at check in- are you kidding?? that's awesome! it's like heading to a las vegas casino in the a.m.. thanks for sharing your pics, looks like you had a blast.

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