The Raise foundation & Giveaway

I think one of the BEST things about blogging is having an outlet to do be able to spread the word and help others! Being that April is National Child Abuse Prevention month I wanted to share my love for The Raise Foundation! The Raise is a non profit organization dedicated to strengthening and stabilizing families. Last year in Orange County there were more than 35,000 child abuse reports. More than 40% of those cases were neglect. Often even loving parents lack the resources, skill sets or knowledge to raise their children in healthy environments. The Raise Foundation provides services to families in crisis in order to alleviate stress, teach parenting skills, provide basic needs and ultimately stabilize families. Working together with the parents to create stable, self-sufficient homes and futures ensures their children can grow up safe, happy and well cared for. You can find out more about The Raise at
The Raise Foundation has teamed up with Fodada Clothing  and will receive 50% of the proceeds from each blue shirt/hoodie sold during the month of April (they are the last four items on the page labeled “Raise Founadtion”)! When I say these hoodies and tee’s are really AMAZING quality i’m not exaggerating. They truly are a great product and the proceeds go to helping families in need!  It’s a win win!  Here is the hubby getting in model mode 😉 with the mens hoodie….

I’m giving away a SUPER comfy Fodada zip front cardigan! 
All you have to do is like The Raise FB page and leave a comment on the  The Honeybee FB page letting me know you’ve liked it! 
*Also if you ladies are in the OC area and want to volunteer or have items to donate (not so much clothing but furniture, mattresses and household items) The Raise does pick ups as well and would be greatly appreciated! 

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    1. Thanks love if you just click on the link for FODADA CLOTHING in the post it will take you to the page to purchase! They are the last four blue items at the bottom that say The Raise. The material is like James Perse…great quality! xo

  1. love that you`re spreading the word about such an amazing foundation! wish they made doggie ones so i could get one for kimchi too!

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