Meet The Newest Member of Our Family

It’s been a crazy intense week so wanted to share a little cuteness today and introduce the newest member of our family, Beau! If you follow along with us on instagram you saw we shared a video of when we surprised the kids with our new baby and it totally melted our hearts.

Many of you know we had to put down our 12-year-old frenchie Louie at the beginning of the year. It was such hard and heavy start to the year and Ava in particular took it the hardest. It was the first time losing a pet and was so hard explaining the loss to them. We always knew we wanted to get another dog but definitely wanted to give it some time. It’s been almost a year and when we saw Beau we knew he would be the perfect addition to our fam. We’ve never had a boy dog so this is a new venture but I can’t tell how sweet it is to watch the kids with him! Ava is at such a good age for it and has been so responsible feeding and even cleaning up 😉 after him! (honestly I’m kind of shocked with how great she’s been lol)

Thank you all for the sweet messages on my Instagram post! We are so smitten with him and soaking in all this new puppy goodness!! Hope this brought a little light to this crazy election week! xo

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