The Leather Jacket (Marc New York by Andrew Marc sponsored post)

Happy Friday lovelies!!! Todays post is all about the leather jacket! It’s the one piece I always feel confident, comfortable and sexiest in! Forget the mini skirts and tight dresses…there’s just something sexy about a girl rockin’ a leather jacket! It’s a MUST HAVE closet essential and I couldn’t resist when approached by Marc New York by Andrew Marc to style one of their leather jackets. I’ve been a huge fan of Marc by Marc Andrew pieces for years and think they’ve nailed it with quality investment pieces and classic styles you can wear for years! I just couldn’t pass up this amazing bomber style jacket! The leather is beyond soft and it fit perfectly! 

                                                                                                                             Photos by Steady Jenny

Nicki Jacket c/o Marc New York by Andrew Marc (more Andrew Marc styles here)
Elizabeth and James pendant necklace 
Dita Aviators
Zara boots (old style but almost identical pair HERE)

Here are some other styles from Andrew Marc I’m currently loving…

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  1. What shade is your hair color – black, soft black or dark brown ? Looks beautiful on you, and love this look, too.

  2. You're very beautiful – I especially like the last picture. You should take more natural pictures like this instead of the ones you're trying to pose and look down or tilting you head.

  3. May I ask if the jacket you're wearing is a xs or s? We're about the same build and it'd really help me out! Oh, and I'm terrorizing the sweet potato pancakes from whole foods because of your toddler meals post!! Ava knows what's yum. 🙂

  4. You look stunning! You're so right there is something about a leather jacket that is just sexy. You always layer necklaces so well…. So well that I tend to buy them lol!!! What makeup are you wearing for these photos?? Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas! Xo

  5. you're so gorgeous and you definitely don't look your age!! i'm 23 and i hope i look as good as you do in the future 🙂
    would you mind telling me what foundation and lipstick you are wearing? it looks so flawless

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