The Easiest and Prettiest Caprese You’ll Ever Make

If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw my fancy scmancy caprese I made last week. It is SO yummy and super easy to recreate so I had to share it with you ladies!
You’ll need:
 A few large tomatoes
 A couple handfuls of fresh basil
 Fresh Mozzarella (the kind that comes in a round ball)
Sea Salt
Olive Oil 
Balsamic Vinegar
Turn your tomato upside down so the stem is on the bottom. Then make four slices in it (careful not to slice them all the way to the bottom).
Next cut a few slices of mozzarella and layer them like this with the basil in your tomato. I would try to make my mozzarella slice a little thinner the next go round. 
Here’s the game changer….a ready made balsamic reduction! This one is from Whole Foods (and i’ve seen one at Trader Joes as well). I’ve made caprese several times in the past but always thought it was a  bit of a pain to reduce the balsamic myself. This ready made reduction really speeds up the process.You can literally make these in under 5 minutes! 
Lastly just drizzle a little olive oil and balsamic reduction on top, add a few cracks of sea salt and you’re done!  These are SO delish and perfect for Summer entertaining! 

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  1. seriously, it's so pretty! I make these all the time, just never 'styled' like this… I will from now on, who doesn't want prettier food

  2. Never tried this…but I will now that you shared this! Almost looks too pretty to eat! Thanks Andee!!!! P.s. that nail polish colour looks fabulous on you!!!!

  3. You always have the best nail colours on! Is this a pure white you're wearing in the photo? By the way, I would LOVE to know how you manage to apply nail polish and let it dry with a young toddler running around!?

  4. What an amazingly creative idea. It look so professional… And delish! Definitely trying this for my next dinner party 🙂 and defs buying that reduction!!

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