Targets New Cartwheel App and $1000 Target Gift Card Giveaway!

Calling all my fellow Target’nistas! Alright listen up ladies…this is one app I am BEYOND excited to share with you! It’s the new Target Cartwheel app! If you’re like me and always shopping in Target you’d be silly not to download and use it! It has more than 700 coupons to choose from and the best part is that you can use these discounts even on top of any other discounts, coupons, manufacturer’s coupons and your REDcard discount in stores.

First you download the app HERE

Then you browse the categories of interest and pick your 10 “deals” to add in your Cartwheel.
(You can also  login with Facebook and share your deals with your friends on there as well)

Each guest starts with 10 spots. More spots are earned when badges are awarded. Badges are awarded for reaching saving milestones ($10, $25 etc.) and via social sharing (an invited friend who joins Cartwheel). 
Once you fill up your cartwheel it will generate one single scan barcode at the end rather than you having to pull up a barcode for every item you have a discount for (genius!).

Here are a few of the items that I have in my Cartwheel….

I’m sure many of you mamas can relate that one of the best parts of Target is that it’s a one stop shop! I can pick up my toiletries, groceries and all the randomness we “need” 🙂 there without having to load and unload my toddler in her seat several times to go to different stores. That being said, I tend to buy a lot of  our groceries at Target and was so excited to see this deal on the Applegate gluten free nuggets and chicken sausage. These are a staple in my shopping cart so I’ll definitely be using this deal! 
I’m always picking play clothes and shoes for Ava in the kids department so this Circo 25% off deal and the Champion 25% off code are definitely going to come in handy as well! 
And of course you have to browse the makeup section…and I found a coupon for my current favorite mascara for 15% off ! 
I thought this was a genius invention and hope it saves you ladies a little cash as well! You can also
Enter for a chance to win $1,000 Target GiftCard® (YES $1,000!) by telling me what you would buy if you won the $1000 Target gift card?!

Sweepstakes Rules:

No duplicate comments.
You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:

  1. Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
  2. Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: “#SweepstakesEntry”; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
  3. Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
  4. For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. The notification email will come directly from BlogHer via the sweeps@blogher email address. You will have 72 hours to respond; otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 1/30 – 2/28.
Be sure to visit the Target Cartwheel brand page on where you can read other bloggers’ posts!

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  1. I'd buy all the randomness I usually buy when I'm in a Target haha. I'd definitely use a big chunk of it towards baby clothes since my daughter is growing like crazy!

  2. Awesome post, I new about cartwheel but this is a way better breakdown of it! I would but tons of clothes for my son and potty training supplies because we are ready to start training.
    Thank you Andee love your blog.



  3. I just got the Cartwheel app and saved $35 on my first use, I spend just a little over $100, so a good discount! If I won the giftcard I would use it to by baby and nursery stuff! We are due with our first in May and are just starting the nursery, so we need everything!!!

  4. I would love to win! If I won a $1,000 Target gift card, I would buy some new spring/summer clothing. I had a baby last year, and have been back and forth on sizing. I'm finally at a steady weight, and am in need of some new clothing! I'd use the rest of the money for everyday things — groceries, diapers, etc. 🙂

  5. If i won the Target gift card, I'd buy everyday essentials for my family of 4. We are always in Target picking up diapers, wipes, household items, you name it!

  6. I love Target Cartwheel's App! It is so easy to use and can save you big $$$! If I won the gift card I would put it to good use in stocking up on all those must need New Mommy items! I am a first time Mom to my daughter and am in Target about 2x a week! Thanks Andee for the opportunity! xo

  7. I think the better question is what wouldn't I buy with a $1000 gift card? Target has everything I need from groceries to clothes to baby items to make up. It's always been my one stop shop (especially with my Target 5% off card). I just downloaded the app and am heading to Target as soon as my work day ends!

  8. What wouldn't I buy? I need a few things to decorate the house, add to my closet, make up, grocery items and dog toys for my "baby". Great giveaway!

  9. I would use the gift card for some items to freshen up and redecorate my house for the new year! I LOVE the housewares there. No doubt I could spend that baby in one visit…

  10. I would buy much needed items for my house. I.e. a new kitchen table and some new cookware! Being a college student isn't easy on the finances so this would be a huge help for me!

    I've been reading your blog from the very beginning and I love your daily posts. I only wish your heart necklace that you posted on a few weeks back wouldn't be sold out. I wanted to ask for it for valentines day!

  11. Love the Cartwheel!!! I'm at Target at least two or three times a week buying groceries, clothes for my little one, household necessities…. I'd use the $1000 for those as well as updating a bit of the home decor!

  12. I am a mommy of 3 and expecting number 4!! I am also a special education teacher. Since I visit Target weekly this would be wonderful!! I would buy much needed supplies for my students and baby diapers for my two little ones!

  13. I would love to win the $1,000 Target gift card… with my upcoming wedding, it's my go-to place for table decor, candles, bar items, & fun DIY crafts. Also, it would be used to help accessorize our new home with fun decor items from Threshold – love their line! love.

  14. Wow! What an awesome giveaway! I'd use some of the money towards workout clothes for me, food for the family, formula and clothes for my 2 little one's. I'd save the rest to purchase birthday and Christmas gifts.

  15. If I won the Target gift card, it would probably be on lots of home decor and supplies for my classroom! Plus a few new outfits for spring and summer 🙂

  16. If I won Target gift card, I would use it towards home decors, new spring clothes, shoes, purses, jewelries, and baby clothes for my new nephew who will due this June. =D

  17. If my Luck actually turned good and I won this giveaway. I would buy clothes for me,my son,toys for my child,sheets and decor stuff,so much I could buy. It would be so awesome. Thanks and have a fabulous week everyone!

  18. $1000 to Target would be so much fun to spend! I'm seeing all new makeup, accessories that I always pick up and carry around the store (but then put back because I feel too guilty to really buy), cute flip flops, nail polish…..pretty much anything shimmery and shiny to get me into the spring/summer spirit.

  19. wow, $1000! Hmm… I would definitely buy some decor to spruce up my home, raid the clearance racks for style steals and lastly…. the makeup aisles. I can wander around the makeup aisles for hours!

  20. I'd load up on work out clothes considering I am giving birth in 6 weeks and plan on getting back in shape ASAP 😉 Along with baby items and kitchen ware for the hubby 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway btw!! xoxo

  21. Oh, man….what would I buy at Trajay if I had $1,000…well, I would obviously hit up that $1 bin like it was nobody's business. Then, off to the baby section because I can't stop buying the solid color $5 baby leggings for my little one! Then it would be off to the cosmetic and home decorating section like it was the end of the world!

  22. Love love love your blog! And love that you have a target sponsored AD!! LOVE their cartwheel app, if there wasn't enough reasons to love Target they definitely up'd it with this app!

  23. oh my gosh this would be amazing! I would totally redecorate with new rugs, bedding, throw pillows, blankets and stuff to hang on the walls. Plus stock the pantry and buy tons of clothes for my little girl

  24. First off I never win anything lol! But if I did, I would use the money towards the things we need to furnish our new home! We are hoping to move in the next month or so! :))) I'll tweet about this two!

  25. I LOVE the cartwheel app; been using it for a few months now. I think I've saved almost $70 so far. If I won this I would buy some new clothes, birthday presents for my fiance and daughter, some furnishings for the house, and groceries! This would be amazing to win.

  26. If I won I'd buy some clothes for me and the babe, home stuff like decor. Food items to donate to shelters, I'd go in there and make every penny of that gift card count

  27. Oh my gosh, I shop there at least three time a week…I would buy clothes for me and my hubby, food, make-up, birthday gifts (three birthdays in April that I get to spoil!) Maybe get stuff for our new home! I love that store!

  28. I'm moving in with my boy in the coming months, so I would use it to buy things for our first house together. His bachelor pad decor has to go 😉 I'd also share the wealth with my niece and nephew who love all things Dora and edible.

  29. I would definitely buy some new things for my house. We just bought a house in the last year, and have spent all of our money making it liveable… it would be a blessing to make it feel nicer, and more like a "home."

  30. My husband I just bought a house, so I could really use $1,000 to Target to get new home decor, bedding and bath necessities, etc. I just downloaded the Cartwheel app last week, but haven't been to Target yet to try it out. I think it's pure genius and know that I will utilize it a ton. This would be the perfect time for a thousand bones to make my new home fresh and fun!!!

  31. Helllllllllo Tarjay! Love this app! Seriously 1000?? Get out of here. 😉 I would spend the money on everything! I mean free groceries, clothes, gifts, beauty products, home goods… This is a girls dream come true! 🙂

  32. What a great post! Perfect timing for me…my husband and I just bought a house, so we could really use $1,000 Target gift card to buy new home decor, bedding and bath necessities, etc. I just downloaded the Cartwheel app last week, but haven't been to Target yet to try it out…that's part of my weekend plans. I think the app is pure genius and know that I will end up utilizing it a ton. This would be the perfect time for a thousand bucks to make my new home fresh and fun!!!

  33. I love love love cartwheel! I have been saving with it like crazy. What wouldn't I buy with $1000 at Target lol I could spend that in an afternoon, we just moved and there is so much I would like to buy!

  34. I love the Cartwheel app! I was just at Target using it to get some clothes for my kids! If I won, I would buy curtains for my guest room and kids' rooms, buy birthday presents for my kids, nieces and nephews and maybe get some clothes/shoes for myself!

  35. We have a new baby girl and that $1000 would go towards diapers, toys, baby clothing, wipes — basically, anything baby related!

  36. Id love to do some more shopping (DANGER, DANGER!) at Target. It's my favorite place, so it would be nice with all the baby and kids stuff I need to buy…let alone groceries.

  37. Love the app!!!! I would go shopping for clothes for my daughter, accessories for the house, i am thinking finally a flat screen tv???? The possibilities are endless at Target!

  38. What wouldn't I buy, should be the question LOL. I would rack up on beauty items (so much cheaper than drugstores), allergy medication for the coming spring season and media items! My husband "needs" a Xbox One and a BluRay player 🙂

    thanks for this giveaway A!
    xo, Vanessa

  39. I can't say that I would buy anything different than I already do! Continue my usual sprees that came about because I just needed that ONE thing, yet target does it EVERY time! Love it! And love the app- use it every time I go!

  40. I have been using this app for months now and have saved over $25. It's awesome! Especially since you can combine Cartwheel coupons with Target coupons and manufacturers coupons to save some serious dough. If I won the gift card I would get some cute furniture I've been eyeing and save the rest for gorceries and diapers.

  41. Oh my gosh I would literally dabble in every area of the store. Get my self some comfy clothes… nice Essie polish and new mascaras… home furniture, groceries and of course, little treats and toys for the pup!

  42. With the $1,000 gift card I would probably buy new gear for my little man Chrispy and some new toys, an few random things to my sweet hubby that always is so selfless so we can have everything we need and want, and a little on me, maybe some new underwear 😉 Hey, I'm easily pleased 🙂

  43. Andee, thanks for telling us about the Cartwheel app! Downloading! If I won the $1,000 (!!!!) Target gift card, I might die of excitement! 😉 BUT let's assume I don't die of excitement! – I would treat myself to a Starbucks drink when I walked in (yay!) and then pick a couple of Circo spring outfits for my 6 month old baby girl. I'd let my 6 year old buy the leopard pants and cat tshirt she has been gazing at every time we stop in Target! I'd purchase my neice the Circo bedding set she loved. Next, I would grab some groceries (I'll be trying the Applegate nuggets!) and baby essentials – love their up&up diapers! Then I'd check out with my handy dandy new Cartwheel app and save the rest of the $ for the next inevitable Target trip! Ahhh, a mom can dream. 😀

  44. If I were to win, I would purchase dog products, household items like toilet paper, dish liquid, and then some Christmas shopping. Like Monster High Dolls. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

  45. Love Cartwheel! I use coupons all the time, and it saves our family lots of money. I like using it on clothes, baby things, groceries- everything! If I won, I'd love to buy furniture/home decor.


  46. Possibilities would be endless, but I'd def get my kids some much needed new clothes, furniture & home decor that we've been lacking and maybe throw in some stuff for the hubby 😉 what a great giveaway!

  47. I love the Cartwheel app and use it to create a game plan before I enter the store. So even if I tell myself that I'm just here to buy milk and walk out with a cart full of a dozen other things, at least I know I saved some money 😉 And yay for the cool scanner feature that lets me scan random items to check if I can score a Cartwheel deal!

    With $1,000 I'd either 1) get some patio furniture for our newly remodeled (and naked) backyard, or 2) buy 1,000 things at The One Spot.

    Probably the first one. 🙂

  48. I love the Cartwheel app and use it to create a game plan before I enter the store. So even if I tell myself that I'm just here to buy milk and walk out with a cart full of a dozen other things, at least I know I saved some money 😉 And yay for the cool scanner feature that lets me scan random items to check if I can score a Cartwheel deal!

    With $1,000 I'd either 1) get some patio furniture for our newly remodeled (and naked) backyard, or 2) buy 1,000 things at The One Spot.

    Probably the first one. 🙂

  49. I'd buy myself a dress for my birthday, and then all kinds of little gifts for my birthday handouts. The week before my birthday for the last 2 years, I have done random act of kindness for every year of my life, and this card would make that so much easier! I'm getting excited thinking about what I'd buy!

  50. I would buy some much needed home accessories for our living room, bedroom and den. I would also buy goodies for my Easter baskets I make for the family.

  51. I am a lover of Cartwheel and the target red card with the 5% discount. I am also a teacher and a percentage of the money I spend goes to my school which is awesome. If I won 1000 dollars to target, I'd start in the organization aisle with baskets with chalkboards. We have one big one that holds the littles laundry and love it. I would also buy lots of picture frames to do a gallery wall. I would finish with some funky and playful furnishings for my son's playroom that we are redoing right now.

  52. My target trip would include all things home accessories and since I'm a makeup junkie all things beauty! And some special items for the kiddos;)

  53. I would get some things I've been wanting forever like new sheets, shower curtain, stock up on kitty supplies and maybe a fun chair for my porch!

  54. I'm downloading the Cartwheel app! I can't believe I hadn't heard about this until now (I'm at Target about 3 times per week). I would love to win a Target gift card! We're moving soon, so I would definitely use it for home goods and of course clothing for my kids!

  55. I'd buy everything I wish I could when I shop at Target but don't because I have to buy necessities as a single mother. CHI curler, iPad for my daughter, Sonicare toothbrush for us both, kindle, new bike for me and my daughter, new drapes, new toys for her etc…

  56. Ahhhh I love Target!!!!!! My regular Target buys are definitely to raid the clothes, bags, and shoes areas then of course all of the delicious food. I love the frozen shrimp because they're so easy to defrost and cook into dishes like chow mein. My BF also loves to get his thermals, socks, and sweaters there…so that's what we would stock up on! Also the electronics section is amazing – we both need new laptops!

  57. I would buy all the regular stuff I usually do – groceries, baby stuff, clothes, holiday decorations…I never get out of there cheaply!! Love the Cartwheel app – it's so easy and I like that I'm saving even more on top of coupons!

    acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com

  58. Clothes for both kids. And maybe a few things for the hubby then the rest would be for the house. Some new bright accent pieces would be perfect with a new espresso machine.


  59. I would buy things for my house, I lived in a house that came completely furnished and I sold all most stuff. I have moved from there and have no plates, pots or pans, cups, bed, couch and so on.

  60. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I LOVE Target for their cute and quality products and the opportunity to save in so many ways (Cartwheel, manufacturer coupons + Target coupons, gift card offers).

  61. I would buy a new computer ( mine is ancient) and a special present for a new grand baby coming this summer. I would have fun shopping all the sales too.

  62. I just got a new phone and I'm excited about downloading this app. I love Target shopping and this will just be icing on the cake. I am also expecting a new grand baby in October, so I will be taking advantage of the baby related deals.

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