Target Toddler Edition

Morning Loves! With only four and half weeks left until my due date i’m in MAJOR scrambling mode to get everything organized! I was cruising through Target online this morning to snatch up some goodies and basics for the little man and found SO many great pieces! It’s been forever since i’ve done picks for the kiddos so figured I would throw together a quick Target Toddler Finds post for my mamas out there today. So here is all the current cuteness I came across this morning…

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and of course I always have way to much fun going through the girls clothes!

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Thank you ladies who made purchased on my Shop Babybee Instagram account! I hope to upload a second round of clothes on there Sunday afternoon/evening. Then toward the end of the week i’ll be doing a MAJOR closet clean out and updating Shop Honeybee. You can follow along on there or enter your email to receive shop update notifications as well! Serious nesting mode going on over here right now. 😉 Hope you all have a great weekend!!

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