Summer Stripes

Happy Memorial Day loves! I hope everyone has a safe and fun day! I wanted to say thank you to ALL of our military! Coming from a military family (My father was a COL. in the USMC and my brother is currently serving also USMC) has really made me have so much respect for our troops and their families! So thank you for all the sacrifices you make for us…they are truly admirable!

 Now that Summer is in full effect bring on the stripes and white denim! Here’s a look from last week……

ASOS top, Hudson denim and Dior bag

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  1. You look so great. Do you have help at home with Ava? I find it hard to find the energy after all the housework then running behind my kids to workout. Any advice?

    1. Hi Dominique, no we don't have any help with Ava. I barely like leaving her with family let alone anyone else. Im def a protective mama bear. I def feel you on lack of energy and feeling like their are endless chores! Its been an adjustment but trying to be positive and get as much done when the little sleeps. Ive mastered my hair and makeup routine in 5 mins and a high bun is my go to look because doing my hair takes way to much time. my workouts have def not been as often as i would have liked but I do my own little routine at home while the babe is sleeping in her pack n play. I should actually do a post on it for other stay at home moms out there too!

  2. Love this crisp, clean look. That bag is so cool too, it reminds me of the vintage handcrafted bags my mom had in the 70s. You look amazing as usual-so, so small again after baby!

  3. You pull this look off so well! If I hadn't seen you pregnancy pictures it would be oh so hard for me to believe that you are a new mom! Your healthy lifestyle is such an inspiration. There is so much glamourized "starving oneself" these days, so to see you do everything in such a moderate healthy fashion is refreshing!

  4. I love this look. You have the best blog. I love the healthy eating tip. I know your life is crazy with a new baby but I hope you can keep blogging. Hugs from the East coast.

  5. I love the jeans you have in this pic, can I ask were you got them? I have been looking for a pair like them, and I love Hudsons! Im new to your blog, thanks for all the great tips!

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