Summer Beach Cover Ups

The June gloom has finally subsided here in SoCal and beach days are upon us! I’ve been needing a new beach cover up and am so happy with this one I purchased by Tiare Hawaii. Purples and corals are really flattering on olive skin tones and I love how comfy and light weight it is!

Here’s the link to mine along with some others I’m really loving this Summer…

*Click on the set for details

If you’re on a budget I added a favorite from good old Tarjay on the bottom right. I love the kimono style sleeves and mesh shoulder detail! 

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  1. Wish I had your skin tone, because lately tanning is getting on my last nerve, and I am scared of going out in the sun because of the wrinkles. But lucky you people with darker skin have it so easy :).

  2. Cute! I just bought four adorable maxi dresses at…..WALMART! Yup…I couldn't believe how cute and well made these were….nobdody in a million years would think they were from Walmart and were $16.00 each.

  3. That cover up is so pretty. I love it. You look so good too! All your healthy options and working out really does wonders on you. I WISH I could look like you! Thanks for sharing this one 🙂

  4. Gorgous on you! Would you say this could be worn as a normal maxi dress and as a cover up? Just curious if see through or could be used as a day or beach dress? Thanks for sharing

    1. Yes LOVE your bed frame! Can you please tell me where it's from? I am shopping for a new bed frame and want yours! Xoxo

  5. Oh, I love that dress!! I actually have that pinned on my Pinterest – it is nice to see it on someone and getting a good review! It looks great on you!

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