Stacked Statement Necklaces

Its no secret I’ve been a big statement necklace lover for a few years now but lets take it to the next level shall we?! 😉 I’m sure you ladies have been seeing the stacked statement necklace look a lot lately too and I LALALOVE it! I immediately wanted to run out and buy a bunch of cheap chic blingy necklaces and pile them on. Then after I thought about it I know I probably didn’t NEED to go out and buy MORE statement necklaces so I just worked with what I already had. Here are some of my favorites via Pinterest and a look I created using pieces I already owned…..

I’m absolutely loving the dramatic effect of all these pieces layered together, so beautiful! However it can be a bit much if you’re just easing into the trend so you can try just layering a few pieces at first.
I love this tribal inspired look created with just two necklaces! 

Here’s the look I wore using three pieces I already owned. The top two necklaces are from Forever21 and the bottom one is from To:Hello Beautiful. (Enter code word HONEY for $5 off your order of $10 or more! )
You can stick to the same metal group and design (I kept mine all gold and went with the spike theme). If you’re brave you can  mix and match colors, stones and textures. There really are NO RULES to this look!  Tip: to make things easier use adjustable jewelry so that you can play around creating different lengths for each necklace!

Are you ladies loving the stacked look as well?! 

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  1. Ahh yes, this is one of my favorites as well – loving what you put together using what you have! I saw the most amazing one (okay not most amazing, but it was great) at Topshop/Nordstrom, but it was $100…still not sure if I can justify that price for the quality, but it wasss pretty! Hope you are feeling better!


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