Spring Looks

Hi Loves! Hope you all had a great weekend! March is here and we had some great weather last week…im talking in the 80’s! Sorry to brag for those of you who are in the midwest and expecting more snow! ;( This month is a super busy one for us and I know it is going to fly by. Here are some warmer effortless looks from last week….
Urban Outfitter Denim shirt, tank from Target, and striped maxi skirt from a local boutique 
Forever21 top, Seven for All Mankind distressed flares and Balenciaga bag
Forever21 Denim Vest and dress from Nastygal.com

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  1. Loving all three looks!! SO jealous of your 80 degree weather! I was in Newport two weekends ago and it was in the 60's {which is still warm for Tahoe} but seriously…I would have DIED to have had 80 degree weather!!

    1. Hopefully it will be warm on you're next visit! I know you want to spend all your time with fam when you're hear but if you ever want to meet up for coffee or walk Fashion Islabd with the babes let me know 😉

  2. Love Love Love the outfits. The dress and the white top are my favorites. Please share details on your lip colors in your pics!!! You always have the best neutral lip colors .

  3. LOVE all the looks! The forever 21 top in the second picture is exactly like an elizabeth and james top I bought a while back. I would love the forever 21 white version… was that a recent purchase??? (fingers crossed!) xo

  4. Thre is nothing in this world that I love to wear more than flare jeans, and I am so glad that there is another person who loves them as much as I do. Btw, you look good in all your pics.

    1. thanks Monique…glad you appreciate them! Im totally about mixing high and lows…bc lets be honest who can afford to spend tons of one item! xo

  5. OMG I love the white blouse from Forever 21 and white dress from Nasty Gal! I'm from the Midwest and am so tired of the crazy wind and snow! Seeing you wear white makes me look forward to spring and summer so much more! You look beeeeyootiful as always, Mamacita!

  6. Hi Andee, great looks! You look gorgeous in all these pics. Are the Forever 21 vest and white top a recent purchase? If they are would you mind posting a link? Thanks lovely!

  7. All gorgeous outfits, absolutely LOVE the dress though, so cute! Jealous of your weather, in England it's barely above freezing! x

  8. love it all !! esp. the maxi skirt! I feel like I can never pull it off though since I am 5'8 and I feel like they are all a little too short for me! Do you shop f21 online or in the store?! Love their stuff but I find that I run out of patience the minute I walk in there because there are just too many things! Thanks!! 🙂

    1. oh and 90% of the time i shop online at F21. The store overwhelms me and now that I have the baby with me its impossible to shop for long periods of time 😉

  9. This might be an awkward question but I'm gonna ask anyways. What Bras are y wearing after nursing a baby? I'm in the market now.

    1. Im back to my Target extra padding 😉 bra I posted on before I became pregnant. Its basically the VS miraculous bra but half the price from target!

  10. In LOVE with the Forever 21 top along with everyone else. I searched the site for it, but can't locate it. If it's still available, can you post the link?

  11. Lady I LOVE your sense of style, seriously I have changed my whole outlook on shopping to getting key pieces to mix and match rather than look for outfits as a whole since viewing your blog. Also became obsessed with chambray shirts and am about to purchase that f21 denim vest- it really complements the soft look of the dress! Keep doing what you do, you're my idol!

  12. Gahhh you make me miss my pre prego bod! I cant wait to be able to dress in cute clothes again. Im 5 months pregnant now and its getting more and more difficult to fit into my old clothes but im trying to stay creative with it while still wearing comfy clothing. You definitely inspire me that i can get my pre pregnant body back by eating healthy and sticking to a fitness routine throughout this pregnancy journey and after. Thank you for that! I love the white dress on you and the forever 21 top is to die for! http://www.tessarayanne.blogspot.com pregnancy updates and yummy healthy recipes

    1. awwww congrats to you Tessa! IDont worry these next few months will just fly by. I swear it feels like I was just pregnant and now she is almost one!

  13. You are too beautiful my love! Could you possibly do a post on what you typically do when you go to the gym? You are great inspiration to get my booty in shape.

  14. I love all of your outfits! Can you do a post on dresses to wear to weddings? Wedding season is fast approaching and I would LOVE to see some of your picks : )


  16. You look beautiful in everything Andee. One very stylish Momma! I love the F21 blouse. Very pretty and feminine. I may need to add that to my spring/summer wardrobe.

  17. I just love your blog! You have great attitude, style and you're real – mixing high and low and giving real good eating tips…

  18. Andee, I have been legitimately stalking your blog for a few weeks and have stolen many of your outfit ideas! Thank you for being fabulous.
    I have a massive shipment from Forever 21 coming tomorrow lol 😉

  19. Am loving your blog!!! I adore your hot mama looks – they're just effortlessly cool. A question – have you or will you post an article on beach bags/summer bags soon?? Am desperately looking for some but can't find any 🙁

  20. Hey Andee. I've been a secret reader for a long time now. You look gorgeous. I am so jealous. Is there a link for the dress from nastygal? I can't find it online =(

    1. hi love thank you xo I believe that dress maybe sold out now (the stuff goes pretty quick on there site and i purchased it over a month ago) Ill post a link if i come across it on there though xo

    2. Thanks Andee! You look gorgeous in that dress (as usual). I am Jess btw. I'll try not to be an anonymous reader anymore. You please keep it up xo

  21. ive been trying to find the white dress at Nastygal but it not there.. do you know if its even out yet or they are sold out… any other website i can find it at

  22. Love that white dress!! I have never heard of nastygal, I just looked on their site for that dress & they only have larger sizes, BUT I did find an Easter dress! So thank you!! And you are gorgeous, as always! XOXO

  23. I just ordered the last large Nasty Gal dress so they do have it. The customer service rep who helped me said that as of now, they won't be restocking it, but if enough people call in and ask for it they will place another order.

    PS- Their sizing runs small. Good luck!

  24. Love these outfits!Gorgeous as always!

    I always regretted not getting that white top from Forever21 😉 Ever had something you didn't buy, then wished you had? lol
    I've searched high and low! The one frusterating thing about that store is once something is gone, it's gone.

    I know you sell items on Shop Honeybee sometimes…if you are ever intersted in selling the white F21 tank here I would be VERY interested in buying it!


  25. I love the look of the flare jeans.. But I looked into them and they are $200!!! Not exactly in my budget. Wish there were a flare jean similar that was more affordable. Any suggestions?

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