SoCal Fall OOTD

Hey lovelies just a quick simple outfit post today. You ladies seem to really love the top I posted on Instagram this morning so thought I would share the link with you!

I actually wanted to this top for quite some time from Urban outfitters but it was around $50! I’m so glad I held out because this one is only $20!  It’s the white cut out scalloped hem top c/o Lookbookstore paired with 7 for all Mankind distressed shorts (ordered a size up to make them more of a boyfriend fit) and my favorite aviators by Dita.

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  1. Love that shirt! And great website, thanks for sharing! Do you purchase anything else? I have about 10 items in my cart now! I love the maxi cardies, maxi skirts and the vintage rose bustier!

  2. So lovely, Andee! Thanks for sharing – just bought it. Did it it take a while for you to receive yours? When checking out, the economy shipping quote was 15-30 days… Just wondering since I wanted it for an upcoming trip. 🙂

  3. Just bought this adorable top, thanks to you! 🙂 Hopefully I can get one wear in before winter hits here in Arizona! 😉 Love your posts!! Keep up the fabulous inspiration!

    <3 Tanya

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