Simple Sunday Style

I hope you ladies are still enjoying your weekend! Not to rub it in but it felt like Summer here the past couple days which was the perfect excuse to break out my new striped maxi dress. This one is under $35 and is surprisingly really great material given the price point! I threw on a denim vest and wide brim fedora for a little simple Sunday style…..
Photos by  Steady Jenny
Striped Maxi c/o Windsor
Denim Vest from Urban Outfitters
Turquoise bracelet c/o Style Lately

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  1. A…I love your style!
    You have inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle, thank you! After 1 week I already feel tons better, can't wait to see where this journey takes me.

    Thanks, roo xxx

Simple Sunday Style

Happy Sunday ladies! I hope you all are enjoying your long weekend! I swear our weekend went by WAY to fast! I know many of you are still getting snow (and i’ll admit i’m a little jealous!) but it’s definitely feeling like Spring over here. Today I broke out my favorite flares, comfy kimono cardigan and oversized Sunnies for some simple Sunday style…
I’ve posted on these tank tops from Target before and they are the best! I think this one was $8! 
 (My pretty turquoise jesus piece from INpink )
Photos by Steady Jenny
Oversized Open Front Cardigan c/o Lookbookstore
7 for all Mankind (sold out) but LOVE this similar style Here 
Gorjana long pendant necklace
Tom Ford Sunnies
Horizontal cross bracelet c/o INPINK

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  1. Wish this tank tops were available in stores as I have two target stores near me. Oh well 🙁 Love this look and love your bracelet, too – wish it wasn't sold out, but I love it soooo much might buy the pink one…

  2. What foundation (brand and color) and concealer do you have on here? Do you set with powder? I have light-medium olive skin like you, and girl, it is SO HARD to find things that match my skin tone! If you don't mind sharing your beauty secrets I would be so grateful!

  3. What a wonderful outfit! I like the way you combined the top, the cardigan and these lovely flared jeans. You look absolutely gorgeous! What kind of shoes were you wearing with these jeans? Wedge sandals?

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