A Few Resources to Help Talk to Your Kids About Anti-Racism

Hi loves, it’s safe to say it’s been a heavy week over here (as i’m sure it has been for  many of you as well). I’ve been using this time reflect, listen, and try to educate myself on ways that I can help. You all know I usually try to keep things light with my instagram and blog but there are somethings you have to speak up about and racial injustice is definitely one of them. I’ve paused all posting on my instagram feed and blog for the rest of the week (to help amplify voices of the black community) but wanted to share a few resources today in case you’re looking for a place to start as well. As a mom of two, our home is the first place i’m working on. Educating my kids and having those conversations that inequality and racial injustice do exist is so important. So here a few resources I’ve  found to be helpful if you’re not quite sure on how to start those conversations….


If you have any other resources or articles, please feel free to share!


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