Relaxing Weekend

After a fun filled week with friends in town (post to come soon), a relaxing weekend was in order! Hope you ladies are having a beautiful weekend xoox

Enjoying a latte @ my favorite cafe outside our hotel

A little family nap time (taken from hubby’s iphone) Dont mind Lou…she can sleep anywhere haha!

Dominating the local dog park

Bath time with my Lou Monster!

**I also managed to make my husband watch two chick flicks… the Switch and Eat Pray Love! Really liked them both! Have you guys seen any good ones lately?!! I really want to see the Town with Ben affleck as well!

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  1. My hubby and I are having a relaxing weekend too. We have been catching up on Dexter season 4…which is in Miami 🙂 Such an amazing show. I want to see those chick flicks! My husband wants to see Robin Hood first though. You guys are such a cute couple! I love how adorable your doggie is!!! Have a great rest of the weekend!

  2. Looks like alot of fun! That is my favorite way to relax, with my husband and doggy :). I also get excited when my husband agrees to watch chic flicks. On our honeymoon he watched letters to Juliet and the time travelers wife with me. Love your doggy!

  3. I love your little pup! So so adorable!! My hubs and I both loved the Switch. I saw Life as We Know It and it was awesome! Love Katherine Heigl. xo

  4. amazing pics <3
    glad u had lovely time =)
    i wanna watch eat love pray =( sooo bad ,,, i dont know i haven't had any time to watch any new movie =(
    ive been to the mall ,, i just see the long line and change my mind ,, sigh .

  5. thanks ladies! I actually went to see "the town" last night and really liked it. Its more of a guy movie but im really into those kind more so than chick flicks. But even if your not into bank robber movies you will like this one 😉

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