Punta Mita part 2 Traveling with a Baby!

 Traveling with Ava was something I had been anxious about for months. My biggest concern was that she wouldn’t be able to put herself to sleep on the flight. That’s something that has been a bit of a challenge for us when we are out running around day to day. The total flight was only 2.5 hours, but being that it was our first trip with a baby, I really had no idea what to expect.
 Ava was SO excited to be on the plane. She was smiling at EVERYONE! I will admit I was a crazy woman with the santizing wipes. I wiped down every inch of the row we were sitting in. My husband told the guy next to us to be careful I was going to wipe him down as well lol! I was actually very surprised with how nice people were to us. I thought for sure I would get that “oh SH!T I have the seat right next to the baby” look from passengers but they were actually pretty understanding.
 We started with a short 45 minute flight which was a breeze.  I nursed her upon take off and she slept pretty much until we landed, thank goodness!!! As we were boarding our next flight Ava started to fuss a lot and had a blow out (which we haven’t had in months) right as we were getting ready to take off!! I frantically sent the hubby to change her and of course the flight attendants told him he would have to wait till we got up in the air. One outfit down! About an hour into the flight I passed Ava over to my husband for a bit and she vomitted all over him. Im talking vomit everywhere! This was no little spit up and there’s nothing like smelling like breast milk on a flight!  All we could do was laugh at this point. We joked about how perfect the timing was that I had just dodged the vomit by handing her off to him. Right as we started to descend I nursed Ava again to help with the pressure… 5 mins later Ava ended up vomitting on me!! I didn’t feed her anything differently so I can only assume it was nerves or the change in pressure for her?! So we arrived in Mexico being vomitted on twice and 3 outfit changes for Ava. She ended up coming off the plane in nothing but a diaper! I would highly recommend bringing SEVERAL changes of clothes for your little one and maybe even one for yourself!!
 On the return flight she didnt really have any major issues. There were no blow outs or vomit but it just felt like a LONG 2.5 hours. At this age (especially now that she is crawling everywhere) it was a lot of work to keep her entertained. She was pretty fussy so I had her on the boob for comfort a lot and that itself was REALLY draining (physically and mentally). She is also at the stage where she just wants her mama. It is pretty darn sweet but also can takes a toll on me.

  As you saw from yesterdays post the resort was absolutely amazing and the staff were extremely accommodating for babies. Even with all of that I still had a mini mommy melt down the first night we arrived. I told my husband the resort was so amazing but it still just didn’t feel like a vacation. When you’re spending good money on traveling you really want to just enjoy every moment of it. He reminded me that I was going on 4 hours of sleep and traveling with a baby is going to be an adjustment, I should just get some rest and tomorrow would be better.  Thankfully he was right and the next couple days were so amazing! We traveled with one of my dearest friends who also has a baby. Hanging out with them drinking on the beach with our babies in tow was so relaxing. We had such a blast! Not to mention its so nice traveling with another couple who is experiencing the same things you are with kids!
   I did realize that traveling with a baby you really do  need to add an extra day or two on your vacation.  Normally a couple nights in Mexico would be more than enough time but with the babies kind of slowing up down I felt like I really did need more time there. Like everything else with mommy hood I think traveling with a baby is just another thing to adjust to. I hope in time it will become a little easier. Thanks for listening to my rambling and feel free to share any other traveling with kids tips you guys have!

Here are a few more random shots from our vacation…

Ready for a day at the beach!
Precious time with daddy in the hammock!

Hanging with her boy toy Jackson!

This girl was ALL smiles at the beach! 
Passed out in her stroller
    Yeah for family vacays!
Some Tips for Travel:

-Bring a few change of clothes! (maybe even a change for yourself)
-Lots of sanitizing wipes  (I wiped down every tray table, arm rest and would have wiped down the guy next to me if he would have let me lol).
-Bring a Nursing Cover (Nurse or bottle feed during take off and landing if you can)
-Bring several new toys they haven’t used yet
– and MOST importantly try not to look over in the next aisle and see the young woman drinking wine and reading her Us Weekly magazine quietly in peace lol
*On a side note we have been talking about getting an umbrella stroller and finally decided on one.We wanted a lightweight one to take with us when we travel and also to have in my husbands car. Its been a pain having to switch out the stroller with all the attachments all the time.  We purchased the Uppababy G Luxe and love it!
It was so much easier to travel with! At the airport we checked our car seat at check in and then we rolled our stroller right up to the boarding gate where they check it for us…and brought it right up when we deplaned. I’ll definitely only be bringing the umbrella stroller whenever we travel. 

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  1. Oh my goodness Mama!! Your commute sounds exhausting!! Looks like you had a much more relaxing time during your stay. 🙂 Maybe with a few more trips you will get the hang of it. We are planning a 14 hr flight for a fam. vacay next Sept when our little baby will be about 5 mnths and I'm already paranoid that I am going to go nuts on the flight!

  2. Looks like an amazing vacation 🙂 I'm glad everything went well! We leave for Turks and Caicos Sunday and I've been soo nervous! I'm so afraid I'm going to forget something! Thanks for the tips! 🙂

  3. OK how stinkin cuuuute is her little red bikini?? I mean, that makes up for the vomit and the blowouts…right? She is adorable! And we've been looking for an umbrella stroller too…we travel down to OC next week!!

  4. I love her baby-kini!! sooo cute! That plane ride definitely sounded like an adventure. My favorite picture is of your hubby and Ava on the hammock. You always manage to capture such precious moments!

  5. Aww I'm sorry your trip there was so exhausting! It sounds like something out of a movie with the vomit and the blow out…lol. I remember my brother saying the same thing as you after taking his baby boy on vacation- that it is a totally different type of vaca with a little one. But it looks like it was a beautiful trip regardless! And I am dying over Ava's bikini and hat, she's too much!

  6. awww I loved looking at the pics Andee, Ava is so precious!! Love her big rimmed hat 😀 and you look as gorgeous as always. I must say i laughed out loud at your place experience but took some mental note as well for the future. We're traveling to the Caribbean early February when Sofia is about 6 months old and your tips are definitely helpful 🙂

  7. thanks so much for the tips- traveling next week with our 4 month old so this came right in time. love the sun hats!

    1. you're so welcome! Each baby is different so you may not have any of these issues but just prepare yourself mentally for a long day. Heres to hoping it gets a little easier for us 😉

  8. Too funny! I agree with all of those tips! Looks like you guys had a blast!! How fun that you can still do all of that fun stuff with Ava tagging along! XOXO

  9. Girl, this had me laughing, bc a blow out always comes at the absolute worst times!!! And I hear ya, everytime we take a quote "vacation" with our kids, it's always more work than anything!! But the memories of it all (even the struggles) are so funny to look back on and make you realize what kind of mom skills you really have!! Love all your pics, and good for you for traveling with another couple with kids, you can at least hang and relax once the kiddos are fast asleep and enjoy a good cocktail…or two…or three:)

  10. Hi Andee,

    Looks like a fab holiday. I want to go to Mexico now!!!! Also, could you please tell me where you got your red maxi dress? Its so pretty.

  11. Ava is absolutely darling! How cute she is in her adorable little red bikini. Glad you were able to get away for a break and fun to have another couple with you with a baby as well. The photo of all of you is beautiful! Hope you have a great week.

  12. So weird about the blowout! Happened with me and my son too on most flights, but otherwise never happen. Must be something about being on a plane?! Looks like you had a great time and don't worry, it gets better each time. Love your blog in every way.

  13. Why is it that they time the blowouts at the worst possible moments?! Haha! Congrats on surviving your first flight with a baby! I am totally with you on sanitizing everything on the plane (and airport)! I brought along disposable changing pads just so our changing pad wouldn't touch the dirty changing tables in public haha.

    And girl, are you serious with Ava's little red bikini?! Cuteness overload!

  14. I'm glad you were able to make the most out of your trip. My friends who have babies and even my parents have told me that traveling with a baby is not a vacation and it's actually more work than just staying home. Kinda freaks me out, looks like you managed ok though.


  15. Hi Andee!! Thx u for your perspective and experience on travelling with a 6month old. Haven't had the nerve to do it yet and my daughter is 2!! Lol can u plz tell me what.nail polish u are wearing?? Have a great day!

  16. I have to chuckle a bit, because it reminds me of the first time we traveled with our oldest daughter. It was Christmas Day, we had a ton of presents, all that comes with a 3 week old baby, a dog, and a leaking tire that needed airing up every 50 miles. She had a blow out that literally came out of the neck of her sleeper. NOTHING was open but gas stations, & we ran out of wipes. The dog was jumping back & forth over the seat, poop was everywhere….it was HORRIBLE. To top it off, I had postpartum depression, so I start sobbing hysterically. We finally opened presents & started using new baby clothes to clean up Poopville. Ay yi yi. My husband and I can laugh about it now.

    The good news is, it gets easier to travel with kids, especially when you don't have diapers,bottles, etc.

    Lovely pics!

  17. Hi. I'm new to your blog, but I'm so glad for this post! We take our 3 month old on her first flight Sunday! Ahhh, so nervous. But it helps to hear stories from other moms and get tips. Your daughter is gorgeous, you have such a beautiful family. We went to Isla Mujeres as a couple last year and it was amazing. When we go back, I'm not sure if we'll bring Audrey or get the grandparents to babysit!

  18. Great post! I love that Kate Mack bikini! Had a hard time resisting stocking up on it when I saw it at Nordstrom's! Love these tips, especially about the number of changes you guys went thru. We plan to take our first trip (Int'1) when baby-in-the-oven is about 3 months. I will definitely pack extra changes of clothes for all of us (not just baby) in the carry on now! And it's so nice you had another couple friend with a baby about the same age as Ava!

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

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