Printed Pajama Pant Trend

I have to say I am LOVING this printed pajama pant trend im seeing a lot of lately! Nothing better than being comfy and looking cute at the same time! As much as I love winter I cant wait for warmer weather to rock a pair with flats,a scoop neck tank, cross the body bag and big ol’ sunnies!

*Click on the set for details

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  1. the ones from Elin are adorable..
    and Rumi (fashiontoast) has been wearing pajama top all the time 🙂
    it's cute, but I don't know if I would dare to rock them outside :))

  2. Perfect for a new mommy on the go too! <3

    I have a quick question for you about your hair too Andee…do you know the cut that your stylist does on your hair? or is there something specific that you ask for when you get it cut?


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