Pregnancy Travel Style

If you follow the Honeybee on FB or Instagram you probably know the hubs and I spent the holidays in Cayman with family. Here’s what I wore for the short flight…

27 weeks pregnant wearing DVF top, Hudson jeans and my Alexander McQueen bag that I never travel without! Its huge and I can stuff practically everything but the kitchen sink in it! PS its bizarre how I can wear a flowy top and barely look pregnant and then wear something fitted and BAM major tummy!

Were also in the middle of moving back to Orange County! Less than a week left to pack up the Miami casa and there is soooo much to do still! It Chaos here but hope to do a Cayman post soon though! xo

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  1. You look so pretty!!! Lucky you, I got huge belly with my pregnancies. Good luck with your move back to the OC. I live in Orange County as well and I love it. Take care of yourself and that precious cargo. BTW, what style of handbag is that? It's awesome

  2. thanks so much ladies xo @natshaschue i purchased it a couple years ago but you may be able to score it on ebay!
    @anonymous thanks it is Alexander McQueen

  3. I love your style! I can never pull off wide leg jeans but they look so good on you! What style Hudson jeans do you wear?

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