Postpartum Progress (Body After Two Babies)

Okay ladies lets talk Postpartum Progress! First let me just say i’m so sorry i’ve lagged on this post (and a million other ones I have planned to do for that matter). I may sound like a broken record but life with two kiddos keeps a mama very busy and to be completely honest i’m definitely feeling the “struggle with the juggle” a lot lately but here we go finally with my Postpartum Journey after two babies! 
Back in 2012      (39 Weeks Pregnant with Ava)
About 1.5 Years Postpartum After Ava
It really wasn’t until about 6-7 Months postpartum after my first child that I even started to feel like my body was getting back to its pre baby shape. The above picture is at about one and half years postpartum after my first child (Ava).
(39 Weeks Pregnant with second child, Luca)
(8 Weeks Postpartum after baby #2)
(and last month at 6 Months Postpartum after baby #2)
With both pregnancies I gained just under 30 lbs and while most of it came off after a few months I still hung on to those last 5 lbs until at least 7 months later. Luca is now almost 7.5 months and I still have about 6 pounds to go to pre baby weight and to be honest i’m good and happy with where i’m at but I do want to continue to tighten and tone.
When I was putting this post together I pulled up my postpartum progress post with Ava and found my 6 Month Check in pic. It’s crazy how similar they both look! (sorry obviously not the best quality because they were all done with my phone but.)
Before kids I nervous about what my body would look like throughout the journey. While some things haven’t gone completely back to pre baby shape i’m just so amazed and thankful for what our bodies can do! My belly button never went all the way back in and yes even with some abs I still have that nice loose extra skin when I bend over but i’ve had two precious babes and i’m 100% okay with all that. Fitness and nutrition have always been a big part of my life and my goal is to just be in the best shape that I can be!
If you’ve been following my blog for awhile you know i’m a clean eating kind of girl.  I firmly believe nutrition plays a HUGE role in getting and staying in shape. I may not be able to control how long or often I get to go to the gym these days but I definitely have a say in what and how much I consume. I think that has really made a big impact in getting back in shape. I eat clean about 80% of the time and indulge the other 20%. I’ve been eating this way for YEARS and honestly believe that consistency is key! Making healthy eating habits a part of your lifestyle (that you can stick with) is the key to making it work. No juice diets, crazy cleanses or weight loss pills…just good old fashion eating well and staying active. I steer clear or fried foods, creamy sauces, processed foods and focus on lean proteins, tons of veggies and whole grains. I 100% eat something sweet EVERYDAY. I just try to make sure its under 200 calories or so. Then about once a week I GET DOWN on some donuts, cupcakes or whatever else my serious splurge is. I’m not really into fries and pizza so I save my splurges for things I really love and for me thats cocktails (holla!) and sweets. You can see more samples of how I eat on instagram. I’ve been using the #honeybeehealth hashtag to show samples of how I order when i’m out to eat but I think i’ll be sharing more of my Honeybee Health posts on snapchat (AndeeLayne) because it seems so much easier and faster if you girls want to check them out. 
Workouts: I remember before I got pregnant the first time I said “oh I will always find the time to work out because its just something that’s really important to me”. Well fast forward three and a half years and two wild kiddos later and that’s a lot easier said than done. Our schedule is pretty busy but at the end of the day you just have to make an effort. 
I’m getting to the gym a couple days a week (and have vowed to add on at least a third day) but I just started taking some boot camp classes and they are kicking my @SS! At the gym I do at least 30 minutes of cardio, always alternating incline and speed to keep my body guessing. I also do lots of lunges, squats and finish with multiple sets of abs (because lets be honest after a baby those abs need lots of TLC 😉
No matter where you’re at with your postpartum progress everyone has to go at their own pace and do what works for you and your family. Don’t be hard on yourself just try to find workouts that fit your lifestyle. I remember in the first few months with both of my kiddos before I could make it to the gym, I used to do squats while holding them in my living room. I also have a “dread mill” in the garage that I try to jump on here or there when I don’t have a ton of time.  Whether it’s the gym with day care or outdoor stroller workouts with your little one… just do what you can and try to make an effort every day! 
As previously mentioned i’ve been starting to share more on my snapchat (AndeeLayne) and i’m STILL trying to figure out how that all works so bare with me. Its not super interactive so I can’t really tell what people are loving? I posted some of gym workout the other day, random snaps of my kiddos and I did a Target Finds segment as well. I plan on posting more grocery store shots so let me know what you all would like to see more of?!

Thank you ladies again to my new followers and some of my honeys that have been following since pre-Ava 😉 You ladies have always been SO supportive and also helpful to me whenever i’ve had mama questions too! Love you all xoox

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  1. Your body looks fit and amazing, but let's be honest – it's your face that makes you beautiful. Everything looks good with beautiful face!

  2. You have recovered amazingly, congrats! I have the opposite problem, slimmed down far too much after my first child and don't feel feminine anymore. I need to hit the gym to gain some muscles here and there and you have me totally inspired,thanks!!!

  3. woot! i just added you on snap! been a supporter of yours for awhile always look at your blog! don't forget to post photos of your doggie! #animalLover

  4. I have been following your blog for YEARS and I still love when you post. Can you please do a home tour? I always see bits and pieces but it would be awesome to see the style.

    Thanks and welcome to Snap!

  5. Love you for being so honest and "normal"! Big inspiration and motivation (and I haven't had kids). You look smokin hot- always! It's not only your beautiful face, hair and figure, but your smile and your inside beauty!

  6. Love this post! And you look incredible! I'm a brand new mama to the sweetest baby girl so this is timely 🙂 Just curious – did you breast feed? Did you use any kind of belly binder post partum to help flatten the tummy a bit? I hear mixed things about these and would love your thoughts.

  7. Wow, Andee, first off, thank you for sharing such (gorgeous) pictures of your bod – you look, AMAZING!

    And great advice.

    Although I'm far from having babies, I have to admit that my body changing is one of the things that I'm afraid of because I see so many women gain so much weight and unable to lose weight after giving birth, and I don't want that.

    I'm still working on developing a clean eating lifestyle, but struggle with consistency. Although I'm (slowly) improving, I definitely notice that nutrition is the biggest aspect of a lean body.

    Thanks for the advice 🙂

  8. Did you breastfeeding? Just wondering, I am 5 months pp and have been breastfeeding but still have those last 10 lbs to lose��

  9. Andee, one question I'm always wondering for you is how did you avoid any stretch marks! Your skin looks amazing! Thanks girl love reading your blog xoxo

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