Pop Secret Sponsored Post

Don’t you just hate when you’re making popcorn and you burn it? How about when you take it out too soon, and you end up with way too many unpopped kernels in your bowl? Well, worry no more, Pop Secret has made an iPhone app to help make sure every bag of popcorn pops perfectly! It listens to the pops to let you know the precise moment your popcorn is perfectly popped. Since having the baby we spend a lot of our weekends at home watching movies and catching up on our TV shows. Popcorn is one our go-to snacks when the hubby and I have those couch date nights. I particularly love popcorn because you can have a few cups for under a couple hundred calories!

This past weekend we decided to try this new app out, and it actually really does work! Not to mention it was super easy to use and entertaining as well. All you have to do is download the app for free from the App Store* or find the link on PopsecretLabs.com. Place your popcorn in your microwave and set the cook time. Then, open up the Perfect Pop app, place your phone next to (but not on or in) the microwave and once you’ve started the microwave, press start on the app! A little animated kernel shows up on the screen and cooks along with your popcorn. It listens to the pops and can exactly tell when it’s been perfectly popped! It is such a genius idea!  It was really cute, and the hubby and I were cracking up at the little animation on the screen. I know my nieces and nephews would be amused with this app as well, so I definitely plan on using it again next time they are over for movie night. The app really did work! There were no burnt or unpopped kernels at the bottom of the bag! If you’ve ever had difficulty achieving the perfect popped popcorn, I highly recommend checking out this app!

Have you ever burned a bag of popcorn?! Tell me below and follow my blog for a chance to win $100 Visa gift card! 

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Be sure to visit the Pop Secret brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

*Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Apple is not affiliated and does not endorse, sponsor or support this third party app and sweepstakes.

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  1. I like to think of myself as a good cook but I've burned popcorn too many times. The worst time was while I was at work. I work for a doctors office and used the doctor's microwave in his office. I got distracted and when I walked back into his office it smelled completely of burnt popcorn. The stench also lingered out into other areas of the office. Luckily he was in surgery and no smoke detectors went off.

  2. Pop corn is the best! I especially like eating it with chop sticks… weird I know. But it keeps me hands clean and it's very entertaining for everyone else lol. I tend to burn popcorn more than I'd like to share… But my most embarrassing time was when I was working for a prosthetic company. the kitchen was in a whole other part of the office, and of course the smell found its way into every single practitioner office in the building… I ended up hiding the bag and acting as if I wasn't the one making popcorn. lol everyone still knew it was me…

  3. Oh, more than once I have burned a bag of pop corn in the microwave. It's easy to do if you don't get the setting right or walk away from it 🙂
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

  4. I've heard about this app! Sounds awesome.

    I used to burn popcorn all the time. Not quite to the smoke-out-of-the-microwave extent, but plenty of stinky kitchens have resulted from my desire for a bag!

  5. When I was pregnant I burned three bags in a row. Talk about a bad day for a pregnant girl!

    I just started following your blog 🙂

  6. Ohhhh I have burnt MANY a bag in my days lol! I just figure out (depending on the microwave) the approx. time the popcorn needs and set it to that. Currently my popcorn will burn on or around 2 mins and 50 seconds in microwave. Still burns slightly on occasion so I'm sure the app will definitely help me out 🙂

  7. oh yes…many a bag of burnt popcorn has been produced by yours truly. Seems like this app could help – very interesting!

    i follow via bloglovin.


  8. Yes! It was really awful too. My teacher let me pop some popcorn in her office so I went ahead and did it. The popcorn finished early but there was barely any popcorn so I popped the bag back in for another 30 seconds, but seconds later it caught on fire and it had an awful burning smell. The worse part was, her office was in the girls locker room and the entire locker room smelled horrible! I had another class period afterwards so I walked in late and everyone could smell the burnt popcorn because it got on my hair and clothes!

  9. Most definitely have burned popcorn before. The problem, of course, is inconsistency between different microwaves so this app will be perfect!

  10. Yes I have burned several bags of popcorn over the years, just enough so some of the popcorn pieces get burned and the whole bag ends up with the bad burnt taste.

  11. I've Burnt My Share On Popcorn, Usually It's The Last Bag Too!
    hthr83heather at yahoo dot com

  12. Unofortunately, I have burned more than one bag of popcorn…. and All I can say is the stench is unbeleivable and lasts forever.,, ughh And of course it never fails it is always when you have someone there that you want to impress with your hostess apptitude.

  13. I usually under pop my popcorn, but the people I work with consistently are burning popcorn and creating an unpleasant smell in the workplace! 😉 I will have to share this app with them!

  14. Yes! Burnt popcorn happens often at our house! Luckily I have a husband that doesn't have picky taste buds. I will give it to him and he will not even notice! 🙂 Works every time!

  15. Yes, I have burnt a few bags of popcorn. The last time I burnt the popcorn the bag was brown and gosh the house stink.

    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  16. I have burned popcorn too many times to count, it set off the smoke alarm each and every time. It always got me to think if it’s me or our microwave.
    GFC follower
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  17. Sometimes i actually burnthe popcorn lightly on purpose. Makes it taste a little like carmel corn

  18. I have memories that are over 2 decades old of the acrid odor of burned microwave popcorn emanating from the break room at work. Back then, we couldn't even have imagined the existence of an app like this!

  19. My mom always bought Pop secret , so i always have. It has spoiled me because I have never burnt popcorn in the microwave. Thanks

  20. Yes, I've burned the popcorn before! Now I err on the side of undercooking rather than burning! I follow you on bloglovin.

  21. My good friend and I set my (really old) dial for 2 minutes. It was so burnt we had to put it outside. the house smelled burnt for 2 days! We got a new microwave 🙂

  22. I've only burned popcorn once but that's because I stay close by just to make sure. Microwave popcorn is banned at work because so many people have burned it and it really stinks up the place.

    willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

  23. I burn popcorn all the time. The smell of burnt popcorn is terrible, but the taste of it is worse. When I heard about the app, I had to give it a try. The app works easily and I was able to pop perfect popcorn for my students.

  24. I've burned popcorn before, and it's ok. But when my husband comes home from work ,a nd ask "What happened!!!, you're going to burn the house down!"…not really it's microwave popcorn…lol!

  25. haha…..unfortunately, the answer is yes. and it happened at work and the smell just lasted days. so, eventually everyone in the office knew who did it. 😛

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  26. i've actually never burned popcorn, but my husband has. it takes forever to get the stink out of the house

    karinaroselee at gmail dot com

  27. My worst popcorn burning story was when I accidentally burnt a bag of popcorn in my college dorm and set off the fire alarm. Everyone had to evacuate the building! It was so embarrassing!

  28. The "popcorn" button on my microwave is definitely lacking. I generally have to watch it and add on at least 30 seconds or I have lots of unpopped popcorn.

  29. Filled the house with smoke when I left the popcorn on too long. I set the wrong time (no Popcorn button back then) and then forgot about it! At least it didn't start on fire 😀

  30. Oh yeah, I burned it at work and everyone was screwing up their noses for the rest of the day because it smelled so horrible. Oops.

  31. I once burned popcorn at some people's house where I was babysitting. The smell was terrible and I felt awful stinking up their house.

  32. While this isn't my story of burning popcorn, I believe it is relevant. I worked in an office that was mostly women in their 20's and 30's, so needless to say, we always had a string of pregnant employees. Why is it that so many of them CRAVED burnt popcorn? We finally had to put up a sign, do NOT intentionally burn popcorn in the microwave! It would just stink up the office for days! maleacpr@aol.com

  33. I have burned popcorn where some pieces are burnt and others aren't but unfortunately it makes all the pieces taste bad!


  34. I burn popcorn all the time my children will even tell you mommy cannot make popcorn she burns it and will make the house stink bad. I really try to make it and i never can get it just right.

  35. oh yeah…def burned it before. I can usually save some to eat, but often have to donate the rest to our backyard birds! LOL

    14earth at gmail dot com

  36. I put popcorn in for 30 minutes instead of 3 minutes and went downstairs to do some laundry. By the time I smelt it, I didn't make it upstairs before the smoke alarms started going off. My kitchen reaked for days!

  37. Burned one just a week ago went to answer the phone forgot about the popcorn it actually caught on fire not good fortunately no one got hurt.

  38. GFC follower dolniaks
    We have a small cafe at work and when I burn a bag of popcorn everyone scrambles. It smells for days.
    dolniaks at consolidated dot net

  39. Yes, of course, and totally regretted when that bad smell hung around forever!
    dmarie824 at aol dot com

  40. thischickwins said:

    yes, i've burnt a bag by setting the microwave for way too many minutes

    thischickwins at gmail dot com

  41. I've burned popcorn at work and the smell is horrible and lingers for days. I can't try the app because I don't have a smart phone.

    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  42. Yes I absolutely have! I think if you make popcorn even a handful of times you are bound to burn a bag. That is why I am so excited to try out this app!!

    elizzzzzabeth at yahoo dot com

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