Piperlime Picks and Coupon Code

Alright ladies its Piperlimes last day for 20% off site wide and wanted to share my picks with you!  Just enter code word THANKYOU at checkout (today only)…

*Click on the set for details
All of these items in the above set are under $100! You can’t go wrong stocking up on knits, thermals and transitional jackets! I’ve added quite a few of these to my shopping cart and will post on them once I receive them!

*Click on the set for details
When companies do these site wide discounts I take advantage stocking up on closet essentials! Denim is always a must! The coated denim is huge for Fall and i’ve been wanting a pair for forever! The Dojo jeans on the bottom right are a classic style I’ve worn for years and love! I recommend going a size down as they tend to stretch a bit. Of course you can’t go wrong with distressed skinnies either!

*click on the set for details
And lastly stocking up on boots! Flat boots, ankle boots, rain boots, wedge boots …just bring on the boots! I also added my Steve Madden ankle straps you girls have seen me living in lately! If you were thinking about buying them now you can with the discount code!

*use code word THANKYOU at checkout for 20% off site wide! 

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  1. Thanks Andee! I'm going to order the 7's – been wanting a perfect flare jean (my fav style as well) I noticed they sell them in regular and petite. I'm sure I will want to wear them with booties or heels so I wouldn't want them too short. I'm 5'5 – how tall are you? Do you wear the petites? Sorry for all the questions – just want to make sure I order the right ones because I hate returning 🙂

    1. Hi hun im 5'4 and always have to get mine altered as i usually forget to purchase them in petite. I def am going to order petite next time bc the alterations add up …esp when you're short like me 😉

  2. Deffs loving that black "pleather" jacket. So cute and well-priced! Also, I am wondering where the tabs went on your blog? I wanted to search Honeybee Health posts but the tabs seemed to have gone away
    ? maybe its just not showing up on my computer!

    1. hi Emma
      My site when haywire last month and I lost my entire header…this one is just temporary and I'm working on a redesign as we speak. Really hope to have it up and running next week! Thanks for your patience.

  3. Hey Andeee. You have many denim brands u wear. Have u ever worn James jeans? In there flare? If so what's your opinion on fit. U make me wanna go flare but all our stores and people around in maryland where skinnys. Make I need to be different in a good way;)

    1. you haven't worn James jeans before so i can't give any advice on the fit of those. I just bought a pair of wide leg jeans by Current Elliott and I'm obsessed with. Ill post an outfit with them soon! xo

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