Paris Part One (Tourists)

During our trip to the South of France we decided to take a train to Paris for a couple nights! I hadn’t been in over ten years and the hubby had never been! Here are some of our “Tourist” pics………

White bread was the theme of the this trip!! I definitely indulged in baguettes, croissants, macaroons and lots of wine!!

We went to Laudree and were blown away by all the AMAZING treats! They had everything you could imagine and the cafe was Stunning! (I believe there are several locations in Paris)

Getting a little carried away at the Lourve!

Absolutely loved just sitting at little cafes drinking my coffee or wine and people watching!!

Out on a morning coffee run and found my matching car! haha

Our hotel was right on Champs Elysee and had gorgeous views of the Arc de triomphe every time we left the building!

* Hope you girls arent burned out on our France pics. I know my husband doesnt want to see a camera again for the rest of the year! haha Two more posts to come from our trip xo

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  1. hahah my bf is the same way with the camera and taking pics! I am absolutely loving them though! you look incredible and everything looks delicious! Your pics at the Lourve are my fav! haha 😉

  2. definitely not burned out. i love seeing travel pics 🙂 I love to travel, even if it's just in the states. I really feel that making memories is more enjoyable than material possessions.

    The food looks so yummy! that eclaire really has me wanting dohnuts now lol.


  3. Hi Andi,
    Please, please post more France pics! I love seeing your choice of outfits as well as the beautiful scenary. I look forward to your upcoming France posts! 🙂
    I love your sense of style! So classy and sexy…
    P.S. My husband also hates taking pictures and calls me "camera nazi", so completely understand where you are coming from.

  4. Love the pics. Breathtaking views. I love your off the shoulder dress, it's effortless. Boys will be boys, my guy is not big into photo ops. either. Can't wait to see the rest of your pics.

  5. I'm loving these pics, totally not sick of looking at them! Just makes me want to go to France even more! And congrats to your hubby for competing in the iron man – no joke!


  6. Oh My! Gorgeous Gorgeous Andee, Keep the pics coming please…You look absolutely stunning and where did u get that black n white print dress? I'm in love with it…

  7. I'm in LOVE with your baby blue dress! It's such a great length. Where is it from? I see PLENTY of maxi dresses everywhere but that length is hard to come across. Great pictures haha my boyfriend can't stand me flashing a camera at him either :/

  8. The pictures are amazing, you both look fab!(love your make-up)
    my bf also is NOT into taking photos and I always have to hassle him to take some pics, haha! looking forward to see more posts about your trip.
    Btw, as you love to travel, you may be interested to check out my latest post about my beautiful holiday Santorini. It is such a fabulous place.
    And you will see what I mean by 'picture heavy'… 😉

  9. i cant tell you how good it is to hear that your men dont like to take pics either! i swear its like pulling teeth sometimes to get him to take them of me 😉 or with me haha! So glad to know im not alone on that one!

  10. thanks so much girls! Glad you are loving all the France pics! @mavideniz totally agree love! @Dani and @ michelle thanks girls i got it at H&M a couple weeks ago so its probably still there!

  11. Hi I just came across this blog and absolutely love the pics youve posted. I also love your black off the shoulder ruffle dress. Where is it from?

  12. Hii! I stumbled across your blog and love all the info/fotos you post. I also LOVE your black and white off the shoulder dress. Where is it from?

  13. @mess thank you! i actually got it from a random boutique in orange county. i may put it up for sale on shop honeybee so be sure to follow that page for updates if your interested! xo

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