Our Valentine

This post is a little late but thought I would share a few pics from our Vday weekend! It started with these yummy heart shaped pancakes for miss Ava…
You can see my previous Vday post here where I share how to make these easy heart shape pancakes with cookie cutters. This year I kicked it up a notch a threw a couple sprinkles on them. Its the CUTEST thing ever to hear Ava say  “Sprinkles” 😉 but now she wants them on everything!
Some SWEET little Vday crafts. I really hope that the excitement these little things bring me doesn’t fade in the years to come. I dont know if it’s a first time mom thing but they totally make my day! 
A little cookie decorating party!
My kind of chocolate (calorie free 😉 from the lovely people at Too Faced cosmetics! This is my go to  bronzer i’ve been using for the past year. Post to come soon on my easy contouring with this Chocolate Soleil bronzer
a beautiful view on a stroll in Laguna!
and the BEST card EVER! 😉 well done hubs! 
Ava writing mommy a special note 😉
and the way to my husbands heart…Nike and Donuts 😉
Someone didn’t mind sweets for breakfast two days in row 😉
I don’t know about you ladies but a few years ago we made a pact that we would never go out to dinner on Valentines day. It’s always such a hassle getting a reso, then you’re stuck with a preset menu and end up pay way more than you normally would. So the day after we went to MESA for a prefect little date night. I hadn’t been in forever but it was just a good as we remembered. I posted on this restaurant years ago but it’s still one of my favorites. I love the decor and that it doesnt feel like you’re in OC! I highly recommend checking it out for my local ladies! 
I tried to be healthy with the ahi and salmon but ended up finishing up with these goodies…..
an ice cream flight….YES please! 
and a nice little change up from the box of chocolates
I hope you ladies had a great Valentines as well! Now to start preparing for Easter! 😉

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  1. HI! Love the little valentine pancakes for my girls! question, I have been looking for a low sugar, natural syrup for them. What kind does Ava have? Thanks!

  2. So cute!!! Love everything about this post! The boyfriend and I do the same thing, either the next day or the following weekend we celebrate V-day. Who wants to fight with the crowds and deal with preset menus?!?!?! And I love The Mesa!!! One of my all time favorite places 🙂

  3. I am all about doughnuts!!! So great and we usually dine in on Vday too. This year we actually went out to eat, just a couple days before Vday.

    You can find me blogging about "Life on the Parsons Farm" : atparsons.blogspot.com

  4. So sweet. Looks like you had a wonderful Valentine's Day full of sprinkles, donuts, hugs and kisses! 🙂 We went out for dinner and got lucky (with no reso). I CANNOT WAIT until Marli gets to be Ava's age so we can get crafty. I imagine I should reserve an entire wall in our house for her future artwork.

  5. How sweet! That card and crafts are very cute- can we expect more honeybee babes or are you guys just sticking with one? SOOOOO cute 🙂

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