Our Mother / Daughter Maternity Pics

Today I wanted to share a few shots from our mother/daughter maternity shoot we did last month with you ladies.  I wanted to do something super simple and easy that incorporated Ava too. If you have a toddler you know that taking pictures with them is a task in itself 😉 so we just did a quick and easy in home shoot. We had my girlfriend Love This Crazy Life snap a few pics for us and I couldn’t happier with the way they came out….
SO SO in LOVE with this dress and love that I can wear it again after pregnancy too! 
(I’m wearing an XS)
Ava is definitely a wild child (especially for a girl) but on the other hand she is absolutely the SWEETEST! She rubs my tummy multiple times a day and talks to her little brother 😉 It’s just heart melting! I’m sure adding a new addition to the house will be an adjustment but I know she will be the BEST big sister! 
(about 27 Weeks along in these pics)

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  1. Where did you find both of those dresses? I'm 27 weeks right now as well, and would LOVE to find some dresses I can wear till the end and after I have baby girl. You and your daughter look beautiful, very cute photoshoot. Thanks!!!

  2. Do you use anything in her hair for those gorgeous curls? My daughter has similar curl but my hair is pin straight so I have zero experience.

  3. That last pic is just the sweetest and I can totally see that being pinned a million times over!! My boy is quite the standoffish type so when he throws his arms around my neck I melt into a happy puddle of weepy joy xo

  4. These photos are so stunning! I remember hating the maternity photos of myself with my second son. Looking back, I am glad I do have those memories. You look absolutely beautiful, and that white dress fits you perfect. Ava is too cute, she sounds like she would be the perfect match for my Jack, lol that boy is crazy!

    Kass 🙂

  5. There are really no words to describe these photos, Andee! You are truly most beautiful when you are pregnant and in a long dress 🙂 I have been reading your blog for two years now – when Ava was just an infant! Although I don't know you personally, it's been amazing to see your journey of motherhood! I am not much of a blog reader at all, in fact I don't read any other blogs. But one day I came across your blog through your pregnancy outfit posts (when you were pregnant with Ava) on Pinterest and have been following the HB everyday since! There is just something so down-to-earth about the way your write and share your life and I really enjoy and appreciate that. Very excited for you and your family with your little guy, and also excited for this little guy as he is going to be surrounded by so much love and beauty.

    P.S. Hate to bother you with a question…but where is that black dress from? Been looking for a quality yet basic black t-shirt maxi 🙂

    Much love xo

  6. So beautiful! You and your daughter look so beautiful and precious. I can't believe you can look so amazing pregnant!

    Can you do a post on your daughter's hair? My niece also has curly hair and it's difficult to keep it looking good, it gets messy so easily. It also tangles a lot lol.

  7. Can you tell me where you got that long black dress? Is it the same one from when you were preggers with Ava?


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