Our Halloween Mantel

I hope you ladies are enjoying your weekend so far! Halloween is by far my FAVORITE holiday! Sadly the hubs doesn’t really share the same love for it as he reminds me every year that is not technically a holiday. When I correct him he replies “are banks closed?” Talk about Bahhh humbug! But now that Ava is getting older theres no stopping us! I have to make it special for her right ?!  😉
  I finally finished my Halloween mantel after waiting for my black candlesticks to come in so here’s a peek at our Halloween mantel this year….

Banner and crows from Pottery Barn
 Spider and webs from Target 
 black candle sticks from West Elm
The hubby was not a fan of the crows but Ava loves them! For the first week she insisted on petting the “tweet tweets” every morning!  
        At night I add some candles and turn on our faux candles on the ends. 

I have some other Halloween decor up around the house that i’ll share with you ladies next week! Do you girls decorate for Halloween?!

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  1. what is it with guys & not being festive?! Mine is the exact same way lol!! your mantle looks great & even though we don't have one, it's inspiring me to buy a larger shelf for our living room that I can decorate seasonally!! 🙂

  2. Hi Andee your Halloween mantel came out perfect! What pumpkin patch do you plan on taking Miss Ava too? My girlfriend Carolyn owns Zoomars in SJC she does it up adorable this time of year, photo opps galore. Tell her Tammy sent you. xoxo

    1. hi hun i haven't been down to SJC in awhile but ill def put it on the list to check out! My girlfriend lives in DP so maybe ill talk her into going with me 😉 We went to Tanka Farms this weekend and had a blast!

  3. So cute! Halloween is my 20th birthday this year! Super excited. Are you dressing up?! and I can't wait to see what you dress Ava in! xoxo

  4. This is so adorable! I've never decorated for Halloween but I'm getting into it this year, and it'll be easier year after year as I gain more stuff for it I'm sure. I love the reference of crows being "tweet tweets", also. Too darn cute!

  5. Looks awesome! Wish I had a mantle over in Finland, all I got to work with is a TV stand. Wait do they even celebrate in Finland? Oh well we will be the only crazies on the block 🙂

  6. I remember a few years ago – before Ava was even born – you had dressed up as Jasmine for an event. I was trying to locate that post to get a Jasmine costume idea, but couldn't find it, do you mind sharing that ?

  7. I love Halloween also! I got all my stuff out back in mid September, I couldn't help myself. I love everything about fall…Halloween, the colors, the smells (I'm a sucker for candles) ….I think those crows are fabulous and just the right amount of spooky. It looks great 🙂

    1. yes! thank you for being patient with me I have been so busy lately but have a serious closet clean out to do! Also just checked the tabs and they all seem to be working fine?

  8. Haha..that is too funny. My hubby & I were having that exact same 'deep' conversation in the car the other day. His response to me calling Halloween a holiday was the same.."Are the banks closed..do I get off of work?"..lol!! But, I have a 4 yr, 2 yr, & 2 week old & I go all out…mainly in our kitchen – but we have creepy curtains, pumpkins, candles, poison stickers on our bottles..etc. I love how excited they get!!! Plus…I confess..I love it too 🙂 Beautiful décor!

  9. love the banner! i don't decorate for halloween, but i do decorate for fall and christmas. so far, all i have are a few pumpkins on our mantle.

    side note – i love the new layout. simple and classic. it looks great!

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