Our Christmas Card Sneak Peek

Im so excited to have our first family Christmas card this year! We took pictures a couple weeks ago and getting the three of us together, all looking in the same direction and smiling was comedy hour! I really wanted to bring Louie to be in our pictures as well but now I know there is NO WAY we could have pulled that one off! Here are a few snaps from our family first family Christmas card…

Im so in LOVE with this pic of Ava and her daddy! Just priceless! 

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  1. How are you doing your cards? Tinyprints? Shutterfly? My little fam has the same type shots with our little boy, but i am having a hard time finding a card to put them in that displays a few different shots in a cute way..just curious what you have found! They are gorgeous pics! 🙂 CAT

    1. Sorry to jump in but wanted to give my two cents. I did similar family shots and we went through Tinyprints (Costco now does 20% off Tinyprints cards if you're a member!) We chose a "newsletter style" card to display multiple photos. I'll post them on my blog after I send out my cards this week 🙂

  2. So cute!! You look amazing! What is your workout regimen? How did you transition back into working out after having Ava? I love the Christmas ornaments hanging from the arch! Cute Cute Cute!

  3. Aw Beautiful pics!! Can I ask what color your nailpolish is???? Its so pretty against black clothing! Happy holidays!

  4. Beautiful pictures! Can you please recommend a colorist for your highlights and a photographer? I live in Hollywood, so not too far or a drive from Orange County, and a great photographer makes it worth the drive!

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