Our Baby Boy!

Hi loves!! Just a quick post to say thank you all SO much for all the love on yesterdays instagram post! If you missed it our little Luca decided to come a week early and was born on February 3rd weighing in at 7lbs 9oz and is pure sweetness! Labor was pretty smooth and quick and thankfully Ava did great for the night we were gone! We’re a little bit on zombie sleep mode right now but happy to all be home as a family of four!!! 
Ava meeting her little brother for the first time! Ugh talk about heart melting! She is SO interested in him (maybe a little too interested lol) I can tell there’s going to be a little bit of adjusting already with the new addition but just trying to give this little lady as much attention as possible too! 
and I mean is there anything more beautiful than dads and their kiddos?! 😉 Obsessed with these boys!! 
My little love! He definitely looks so much like his sister already!

Also thank you all SO much for your advice on my last bump update! It turns out a lot of you have done the placenta encapsulation and were fans of it as well! I got my pills today so I will keep you posted on how that goes! I have a cold still, yuck talk about bad timing but I guess you have to wait till after that subsides to start the pills. 

Again thank you ladies for all the love and support!  You all are ammmazing! 

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  1. SO excited for you mama! I need to text you to learn a bit more about the placenta pills because I have been considering it too – I've read mixed reviews, but figure it's definitely worth a try! He is seriously GORGE, and I can't wait to see more pics! Get some rest!! xoxo <3

  2. congrats!!! so exciting!!

    Where did you have your placenta encapsulation done? did you use a service?
    I am due in June with twins and am definitely interested, but am not sure how/where to get this done?…

  3. Such a beautiful family! Congratulations! And Luca is such a strong name. Good choice! I recently gave birth to girl/boy twins and I love watching them grow and become closer everyday! The brother/sister relationship is so special. Good luck 😉

  4. Ah precious!! Congratulations to your sweet family, hope you all settle in nicely. It is quite the adjustment, but so so worth it.
    I also did placenta encapsulation with my 2nd, and will most likely do it with any and all other pregnancies. I hope it's a benefit to you too!! 🙂

  5. Ahh congrats Baby Bee arrived and he is handsome lil fellow! Cutie Bee will be a great Sis! You look great! Beautiful family!

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