Just an easy and comfy look I wore this past weekend on a double family dinner date….
Ella Moss top, 7 for All Mankind flares, and Dior bag  
You can steal the style with some of these boho chic pieces…..

*Click on the set for details

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  1. andee i can`t stop telling you how gorgeous you are! i love these looks on you, it really helps remind me to look put together while still being casual and comfortable! XO!

  2. You definitely should do a post or tutorial on your makeup, because it is a pure perfection. Also, love the outfit – everything looks good on you. Lucky girl!!


My go to uniform…all black with flat boots and just switch up the accessories. I spent a pretty penny on my Rag and Bone hat a couple years ago but have to say their hats are definitely worth the investment!

 (Rag and Bone hat, Urban Outfitter denim shirt, Michael Stars V neck, Paige skinny jeans, Steve Madden boots, Alexander Wang bag and Hermes wrap bracelet)

Here are some of my current Rag and Bone favorites…

*Click on the set for details

If  they are out of your price range you can also keep an eye on these and snag them when they go on sale! 

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  1. Hi Andee,

    You look gorgeous. Can you do a breakdown of the makeup you are wearing here? Love the smokier eye 🙂

  2. Hi Andee, where can I buy that iphone case? I just got my first iphone and have been looking for that case all over with no avail, but I have to admit I have found few similar and cute ones, but still not the same. And, plus, yours is so elegant.

  3. Cool outfit. I found a hat like this at F21 in Fashion Island right after Christmas. The first thing I thought when I saw it was "The Honeybee"! I took it to the register and it rang up at something like $3.50..and it's awesome looking. NO WAY does it look like a cheap hat. Gotta love me some F21!

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