OOTD: Not So Simple LBD

Every girl needs an LBD and this is one is your not so simple LBD. I’m loving the hi low hem, chiffon overlay, and deep V sides. I’ve actually been eyeing a very similar style by Rory Beca for awhile but this one is only $40! Just throw on a leather jacket and its perfect for a night out! 

Wrap Front Dress c/o Windsor, Made her think ring, Rachel Zoe bag and Miu Miu platforms

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  1. Love this dress! It sort of reminds me of something The Reformation would carry! Looks great on you! I would love to find a pair of platforms like the shoes in this post. Do you have any ideas on something similar to these? Thank you so much! You look fabulous!!!

    1. yes totally reminds me of reformation as well! You know i haven't seen anything that similar to these platforms ;( but ill keep my eye out. You may want to try ebay as well xo

  2. ha! The first thing I thought was "she got that rory beca dress I have eyed forever!" This 40.00 version is a steal! Add it to my purchases 😉 Do you have any recommendations for wedge booties? xo!

  3. Love the dress on you, and love that store (Windsor). Just recently I purchased a blouse for interview and it is amazing. Now lets just hope it brings me luck :). But seriously, Windsor is my new favorite store, although I wish my size didn't sell out that fast, but still, I can't believe I didn't hear about it before. That's why I love your blog. You have some amazing clothes at amazing price, and know of some amazing stores :). Keep it up!!!

  4. Beautiful … absolutely stunning..you can pull anything and of so beautifully with such grace:)
    I had a question, this might be a little TMI so I can email you if you'd like…but I remember you saying that you were an A cup, however I noticed in some of your other outfit posts you have great lift and cleavage…do you mind sharing what bra you usually use? I am in some major need to lift and cleavage here!! 🙂

    1. You're so sweet thank you Melanie. As for the bra I'm a sucker for the miraculous bra by victoria secret…it works wonders! Also I did a post a couple years ago about a dupe Target made that is almost identical to the VS miraculous. Hope this helps xo

  5. Love your blog and this dress! I love that you always have clothing that is affordable for the average woman. It's refreshing to see a blogger that keeps it real. So many bloggers have just gotten out of hand with the very expensive purses, shoes and clothing. Again, thanks for keeping it so real! Much appreciated.

    1. thanks Jennie its so nice to hear people appreciate that. I know not everything i post is super affordable but I really try to make a point to find pieces the majority of my followers can afford. So thank you xo

  6. I enjoy following you! Your outfits are always sooo cute! Also, you are a natural beauty, something I can appreciate in this day n age. Keep it up!!

  7. hi Andee can you please tell me how do you do your hair like that? every time i try it looks like crap! yours always look super cute! thanks hun

    – Pizdurina <3

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