OOTD: Lace Shorts

Happy Friday lovelies! Hope you have some fun plans this holiday weekend! We’re going to be taking it pretty easy as were going out of town next weekend for my birthday 😉 Here’s a quick OOTD with my FAVORITE lace shorts. As soon as I saw my girlfriend wearing these I knew I had to have them! They’re perfect for date night or a little girls night out! 
Lace shorts can be really sexy so I added a fitted blazer to balance them out.

Topshop BlazerSusana Monaco TankCasadei Blade pumps, All Saints box clutch and shorts are by Finders Keepers.

*Click on the set for details (use code word TULIP for 10% off)

Hope you ladies have a great holiday weekend and if you haven’t already enter for a chance to win my RuMe giveaway here!

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  1. Gorgeous shorts!! Perfect for date night with the Hubs. 😉 I will have to pick up a pair for myself! Thanks for sharing this. BTW how did your friend wear them? I'm thinking they would look cute with a white racerback tank as well.

  2. Can you do a post on fall shoes? Maybe include some booties?! Also a post on hair products and you you style your hair please:)

  3. Hi Andee, I wanted to buy the shorts but am trying to figure out sizing – small(4) vs xsmall (2) . What size did you get? Do you find they go true to size as I tend to fall between sizes at times. Love the styling! xx

  4. HI Andee! Just wondering if you have found any cheaper version "look a likes" for these shorts???? I love them but can't bring myself to spend the money on them! Thanks so much :)))) Lovely outfit by the way!

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