OOTD Effortless Mama Style

Im a huge fan of Panama hats! You can throw them on with just about anything and they look fab! Here are a couple shots of one I wore earlier this week…
I kept mine super basic with some Hudson flares, a nursing friendly tank from Target, Dita aviators, a little arm candy and black Proenza Schouler bag. 

I don’t think Ava’s was really feeling the “flash” from the camera.
Happy Friday loves! Yeah for the weekend!!!

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    1. thanks love! No actually my hair is pretty light but look super dark in this pic! Im going in for another round of color hopefully this week and will update after! xo

  1. You two are too cute:-) luv the hat and Ava's pink polo. Can you let us know what style Hudson's you are always rockin? I just had a baby 3 weeks ago and looking to purchase a pair as inspiration to get back in shape. Thanks!! ��������

  2. You two are so cute:-)) loving Ava's little pink polo. Can u let us know what style of Hudson's you are wearing? I just had a baby 3 weeks ago and looking for an inspiration pair����

  3. ahh, don't you both just look adorable? 🙂 love the hat (where is it from?) and the bag is fabulous! also, wanted to say HUGE thank you to you for recommending me Maxi Hair! I have been taking it for some time now and I really can see the difference – my hair has grown so much! no need for hair extensions 🙂 thanks, honey!!
    Diana x

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