OOTD: Boho Fall

Hello my lovely ladies!  I’m so glad you girls seem to be liking the more professional style pics on the blog. Someone asked if I ever took a bad picture…ummm heck YES! The good thing about having a mini photo shoot is that you literally take 100 pictures and choose 5 that you like. So just know it takes a little effort over here as well 😉 Now on to today’s outfit of the day! Just because it’s Fall that doesn’t mean you still can’t wear bright colors. I’m in love with this vibrant fringed cardigan! I paired it with my favorite flares, a wide brim fedora and layered delicate jewelry for a little Boho chic look for Fall…
Long crystal necklace from my favorite Etsy shop The Altered Chain. Vintage ring was a flea market find in South Beach and my other two necklaces I previously posted on here.
You can get the look with these pieces…

*Click on the set for details   (Enter code word TULIP for 10% off at Revolveclothing)

Photos by Steady Jenny
Also if you haven’t already please take a minute and enter my aDARable giveaway here. It’s a great cause to help empower women in Haiti! xo

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  1. You look beautiful, of course. But what exact flares are those that you are wearing? They look to me like "Hudson Farah" wide leg jeans due to the pocket I can see :). And I love how wide the flare is. Everything looks so good on you – you definitely are a one lucky girl :).

  2. You look amazing!! What size do you wear in Hudson's and 7s? I'm about the same height, weight, and build as you, and would love to know! Also, what is in the cup? I'm looking for a nice fall beverage that is hot and cozy, but not too caloric. Figured you would be the girl to ask 🙂

  3. What shoes do you wear with flares in the fall/winter? I would normally do wedges in the spring, but I have no idea what to wear with them in colder weather!

  4. Love this look and even better I own that sweater! Now I just need those seven flares! Have you seen them come out with a style like this.. need them!!! Beautiful as always!

    1. Such a great one right?! I know i feel bad whenever I do a post wearing these bc everyone keeps asking for them…Hopefully they will come out with a similar style soon! Ill keep my eye out xo

  5. Hey Andee may I ask what shoes you're wearing under the flares? I am only 5'4 and same type of build as you, I find if I just wear flares with flats I look like a 12 year old LOL do you know what I mean? Maybe a wedge? Just curious! Also, that backdrop looks amazing with the colours in your sweater xoxo

  6. Gorg as always! I'm all about a splurge but just wondering, what is so special about this tank top that it's $116?!?!

    1. I hear you … i contemplated buying it as well but I have several pieces from Susana Monaco and they last for forever. Not to mention the material is thick, stretchy and flattering. If its within your budget i recommend it. If not i hope to come across a similar style for less xo

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