OOTD and some Honeybee Changes

Hi ladies! In the past I have had some issues with people stealing my pictures and creating fake profiles using my images. Recently it happened again and unfortunately now I’m going to have to make some changes to the Honeybee. I know some of my other fellow bloggers have had these issues as well and why someone would want to pretend they are someone is beyond me. That being said I’m going to make some changes, one of which is to start watermarking my photos. I bummed I even have to do this but it has to be done. Thank you ladies for understanding!  Here’s a look I wore last week…
(Camel Poncho from H&M , J brand jeggings, Report Signature OTK boots, Bottega Venetta bag and Celine Sunnies)

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  1. well maybe they want to steal your pictures because you are SO PRETTY and look fabulous all the time 🙂 but i agree, that is so odd and weird. I hope the watermarking takes care of that! I probably need to start doing that too just so people don't steal pictures for other reasons.

  2. Hey lady, sorry to hear about this strange issue- I too should start watermarking! Love the relaxed look here, and as always your comments mean the world to me- so thanks for always stopping by. 😉

    xo Carlina

  3. You look gorgeous as always. Sorry to hear you've had problems with people stealing your photos. At least the watermark was a quick fix.
    Have a wonderful day.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE this look. The over sized flowy shirt with leggings/tights and knee high to thigh high boots is becoming a staple outfit like t0shirt and jeans. You look stunning in this.


  5. What is your weight and height? You look like a model. And what do you do workout wise to stay that skinny? For how long a day or week do you workout? I am trying to lose weight, but so far no success, and you just had a baby few months ago, so any tips would be helpful…Thank you.

  6. I have read so many bloggers experiencing this problem. I started watermarking my images as well hoping it doesn't happen to me. Love your style!

  7. This is such a "me" outfit…love everything about it, from the poncho, to the boots, to the leggings! Perfection! And that is so crazy that people would steal your photos and pose as you! I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…but still, that is crazy!

  8. Love your top. I've never had any luck at H&M but you seem to find great pieces. At the end of the day – this blog is your own work which you put in time and effort, so doing anything to protect your intellectual property is a must these days.

  9. I do not have a blog but I can def relate. I had someone steal my pics from my FB acct and create a fake one. Which is why I now do not have a FB but I do have instagram and pinterest (mparreno). I do not ever comment but I appreciate your fashion. I am very picky with my outfits and you give great tips. Thank you so much for sharing.

  10. Well, at 44 I can only sit around and dream that someone would want to steal my pics for a fake profile! You are so extremely gorgeous, if you get pregnant again you should look into doing maternity modeling…or just regular modeling. You're more beautiful than most of them anyway!

    I found you through Pinterest and, since my little men are all big now, I love reading about your mommy adventures:)

  11. Love the outfit! It looks nice and comfy so I think that's what I love most about it. 🙂 Also, I can't beleive people feel the need to pretend to be someone else. Kinda creepy…

  12. Great outfit! Gah, people can be SO creepy…and pathetic too. I don't blame you one bit for watermarking, I need to look into it and just do it too. Especially when pics of our littles are involved.

  13. Love your outfit Andee. I know ppl are weird pretending to be someone else. It happened to me a loooong time ago but I was too lazy to watermark. I'm thinking I should do the same

  14. Bummer girl! I know it's a pain to watermark, but I suppose it's a good idea! I had someone pretend to be me back in the myspace days and I had to jump thru several hoops to get their account deleted. It's horrible to have to go thru that and really silly that people even have to worry about it! 🙁 Love your outfit above by the way, super cute!!

  15. That's totally gross. I had someone make a fake FB account of me. As a result I deleted my FB account and no longer post photos online. Why are people so creepy? Sorry to hear about this happening to you.

  16. Love the h&m poncho! Such a shame I don't live near an h&m haha. I feel like shoes always make or break an outfit and those boots are amazing:) Love your blog! Being a mommy of 2 myself, I love getting inspiration for your effortless style:)

    dawn monet

  17. Love the poncho. It is such a shame that people would steal your pics. It is smart to watermark them especially when you have your precious little girl. I was wondering if you had mentioned you wear Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation. What shade do you wear? I am thinking about trying it and since we have the same coloring, I would like to give it a go. I hate to go the counters because THEY never match me correctly. I figure I can purchase it from Nordstrom since they have a great return policy. I love your blog and hoping a beauty post coming soon. I look forward to your posts weekly and it is a great distraction from everyday life with little ones. It gets hectic at times, so kudos to you for continuing to blog!

    1. Thanks love I am using and loving the Estee Lauder double wear foundation in Rattan. You can also have them make you a sample at Nordstroms or Sephora. I did that first to make sure i liked it before i purchased it xo

  18. Sorry to hear that someone is stealing your stuff. Please continue to post. You have given me great ideas in all areas of life.

  19. hey girl! I'm sorry to hear about your situation, having a blog myself that's something to keep in mind as well! I appreciate you telling all of us why you chose to watermark your pics!

    Also is the poncho a recent purchase from H&M? I feel like lately I haven't been finding anything good from there.

    Love following your blog & instagram too! Thanks for the making us all aware of identity protection and for your outfit inspirations!

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