Nursery Items

Im so ready for Ava’s nursery to be completely finished. We moved her to her crib in her nursery last week and let me say it has been a rough adjustment for me but seems to be good for Ava. She has gone from 2 night feedings to only one so thats progress! Each night gets a little easier but I am sleeping with monitor practically  literally in front of my face lol. 
Im a huge fan of purple and gray color combo so I decided to go with these sheets from Pottery Barn Kids. The crib skirt is white with a gray trim. We didn’t purchase this bumper but we are looking into a “breathable bumper” instead. Do any of you ladies use bumpers?!
I figured we would need some extra crib sheets so I bought these by Aden + Anais. I love their swaddle blankets so hope the fitted crib sheets are just as great!
We purchased this bookshelf at Target and it fits perfectly in our space. We just need a few more books and dvd’s to fill it up!
I adore this butterfly mobil  I purchased from Etsy! It is made from pages of the dictionary. I just thought it was really different and perfect for living in Southern California in case theres an earthquake  (and there have been two smaller ones this week!) I didn’t want something heavy hanging over her crib.

Im still waiting on a few more prints I ordered on Etsy and am debating if her nursery needs a rug or not. Once I have those items I can finally share the finished product!

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  1. These are all such great pieces, Andee!! I love your choice of the mobil. It's definitely unique. Purple and grey are my room colors!! They are girly but subtle. I'm happy to hear you're finally getting more sleep. Greetings from Canada!!

  2. Super cute mobile and bedding!! We bought Oliver B ventilated slat bumpers for our little one. She won't be in her crib for a bit because we want her in our room and received an Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper as a gift. We will see how these bumpers work out. I didn't like the color options for the breathable bumpers and I felt like they were not cushioned enough.

    1. we loved the arms reach co sleeper but at around 4 months after she was rolling over we moved her to her crib. Hoping to buy a ventilated bumper this week!

  3. I love the mobile, so cute! I also bought an Aden + Anais sheet as a 'backup' for laundry days – the owl one, love the way they feel! Can't wait to see the final product! 😉


  4. Great choices! We tried a breathable bumper, but Sloane would just push it down with her feet and twist her body and get her feet stuck between the slats. We put the regular bumper that came with her set in her crib when she was big enough to roll both ways and sit up. At that point, she would be able to move herself if there ever was any issues. Previously to us putting the bumper in her crib, she would sleep with her face flat on the crib mattress -which would freak me out – but the doctor assured me it was fine 🙂 So, I figure there isnt any difference between her sleeping with her face matted to a crib mattress or a bumper! Good luck!

  5. Super cute and not too girly! I love purple (lavender) and gray so the combo is perfect! I can't wait to see the final result! Great job, Andee!

  6. I bought a breatheable bumper for Berlyn after she would wake up 4+ times a night from her leg getting stuck in between the slats. It ruined her sleep -and ours- so we just decided to get one. Before that we didn't have any bumper at all because of all the scares out there of SIDS, etc., but she is safe in there now. I even made my husband put his nose up to the bumper to see if he could breathe through it LOL. All was good! Good luck 🙂

  7. Can't wait to see the final nursery Andee! I love A&A swaddling blankets too (though I haven't even used them as baby's not born yet, lol).

    I love purple and gray together, what a genius idea! We did coral and sage green (and beige) for baby's nursery…hope she will like it 😛

  8. LOVE LOVE that mobile!! It is SO different!! Olivia has a pink butterfly mobile that is made from paper in her nursery but the dictionary pages is def cool!!! 🙂

  9. I love the color combo !! I did the breatable bumper for sometime and moved to a tradtitional one when baby was sitting up and moving about in the crib. My kids kept bumping their heads, hence the need for a "bumper". You should do what makes you most comfortable just like all other things you will know.

  10. My Viv has a white butterfly mobile over the top of her changing table but it's from Pottery Barn Teen!! Ha!! I liked their teen accessories over the baby ones:) Cannot wait to see your finished version – I'm positive it will be super fab and chic like you.

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