My Ultimate Boot Guide Picks!

Morning loves! I posted some boot looks last week and a few you were asking about alternate heels heights, colors and styles SO today I put together an ultimate boot guide for you ladies. Here in SoCal we can kind of get away with wearing open toe shoes most of the year but that doesn’t mean I don’t get just as excited as the next girl for boot season! Here are my boot picks in all different styles, heights, colors and price points!!

and some looks from the last couple weeks…..
I just snagged these Dolce Vita Boots and they’re surprisingly comfy! 
New AG maternity Jeans c/o A Pea in the Pod
and the knit sweater above I posted on Instagram is c/o Lookbookstore 
Frye OTK flat boots
and of course a staple even in SoCal where we don’t get a ton of rain….Hunter Boots
Rag and Bone distressed skinnies
Happy weekend!! 

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  1. Hi Andee, I am so glad you blogged about boots, they are one of my obsessions (and living in London also makes them a necessity!). What is your take on rubber boots? I found a lovely pair of red ones online for a decent price, Hunter style, but I have only ever worn leather so I am not sure. I will visit New York next month, would you recommend them for travelling/walking? Also, I will be wearing a white puffer jacket, what colour combinations would you suggest? Red boots: yes or no? Thank you lovely, I really like your blog 🙂 x

    1. Hi hun Im one who always gravitates to black especially in items like rain boots because they go with so many more options. I def think you will need some for snow/rain in NY. You should check out conveythemoment on instagram. She has a pair of red ones and styles them really cute so may persuade you to go with a brighter color 😉 Hope this helps! xo

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