My Must Have Baby Products

Ava is now three weeks old and thought I should share some of the products that we couldn’t do without!

*Click on the set for details

The pack n’ play is a MUST! Its the perfect inexpensive piece for us to have downstairs to change her and to let her snooze! The Bouncer is great for in the kitchen while I’m on the internet and enjoying my morning coffee. The co sleeper has been working great for us so far (knock on wood) It lets us check on her constantly but without having her in our bed! Lanolin nipple cream would probably be my number one recommendation for nursing moms! I also bought the gel pads but found myself going back to the lanolin! Its great because it 100% safe for babies so you don’t have to wipe it off before feeding. I also purchased several of these nursing bras. The sleeping ones are beyond comfy and I have lived in them! I would also highly recommend stocking up on nursing pads because you will leak frequently. I have the disposable ones but may look into the reusable ones because I go through so many. This digital monitor by Summer is amazing!!! You can take the remote downstairs with you and see the video of your sleeping baby. It also works as a two way voice monitor and you can pan the camera lens from left to right by the remote!! Love it!

*Click on the set for details

I love my Medela pump! I don’t even think this one was their super expensive one. I believe my model is called the Swing? (My sister in law gave me hers so it didn’t come with a box) We also love our Dr. Browns bottle warmer and the Bottle Steam Sterlizer as well. We didn’t want to microwave our bottles (which most of the sterilizers are done that way) so this one was perfect. We stocked up on the Dr. Browns bottles as we heard they were really great but after Ava took so well to her Nuk pacifiers we decided to go with the Nuk bottle since they had the same nipple shape. I still need to get a shopping cart cover (for when she can actually go on outings with me when she is a little older) and I want to try these swaddle blankets from aden + anais that I keep hearing everyone rave about!
We have the baby bjorn and the moby wrap but weren’t crazy about either! We got this inexpensive one from Chicco and actually really like it how simple it is to use. As she gets bigger I think we might switch to the Ergo carrier but it just seems so bulky to me now. Do you guys have a carrier you love? Also we have returned three swings as we can’t find one we like and are now tempted to try the ever so popular mamaroo. Would love to hear your suggestions on those too!

*I have Avas birth story and one other final prego wrap up post to come and then The Honeybee will be back on track! I also plan on updating Shop Honeybee as well. I have received lots of emails about it and sorry for the lack of items due to pregnancy but now its time for a closet clean out!

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  1. Thank you for sharing these! I will definitely be bookmarking your pregnancy/baby posts for the future. I'm sure you have probably gotten a lot of us interested in babies. 😉

  2. The pack and play is the best, it is so handy and easy for travel when you go on a little trip. Mine had a bassinet you could remove after the baby turned 6 months. Loved it. Also, those swaddle blankets are great, they are worth the price. I read a book called Happiest Baby on the Block and Dr Harvey Karp is the master at calming your baby down and swaddling. A friend of ours lives in Santa Monica and he happens to be his kids pediatrician. He recommended him to me because my baby was so gassy and fussy especially at night. I just wanted to cry because I felt so helpless. It really is helpful.
    Also, I just used a take along swing from fisher price. I think it was $60. I really liked it because you could place it on your kitchen table and just watch the baby while you are cooking or taking a shower. My babies also liked the bouncer. Something about the movement. That mamaroo looks awesome. I have heard great things about it. Dr. Browns bottles, I didn't find what was so great about them. My daughters still had ton of gas and they didn't help. I too used the Nuk and Avent bottles. The Comotomo bottles are good too and you can find them on Amazon. I never liked the baby carriers. I felt suffocated for some reason but my sister loved her ergo baby. One last thing, the Balboa shopping cart cover are the best and necessary. You can carry it with you and its not so bulky like the floppy ones. It fits in your diaper bag and you are able to use it when sits on her own and you need to put her in a high chair. Sounds like everything is going great!!!! You look incredible!

    1. thanks so much this was super helpful!!! I will def be picking up those swaddle blankets! Just wanted to know for sure before i shelled out $50 for them! xo

  3. Hey andee sorry if this is kind of random (I don't have a fb so I can leave a comment!) but I was recently thinking about getting an alexander wang rocco duffle and was wondering how you were liking yours, seeing as you've had it for awhile now. I'm hunting all over ebay for a reasonably priced one but before I commit to getting one I wanted to know if it was worth me paying an arm and a leg. I've been researching and while some people love it others say that it's heavy and pretty shapeless. If you could help me out i'd appreciate it so much!

    Vanessa xx

    1. HI Vanessa sorry i think you asked me about this somewhere else too but I spaced on responding. I LOVE my A wang duffel bag. I will say that it is pretty heavy and if you go for the gray color like I did just know that it gets dirty pretty easily. It is a few years old now so you may be able to find a used one on ebay for much cheaper. Hope this helps xo

  4. I'm looking forward to Ava's birth story!! I've been a makeup artist for 17yrs I'm all about beauty and also have a passion for fashion!!! But… I hope you continue to post all about Miss Ava 🙂 So, when I had my Ava I registerd for a Bjorn carrier I never used it!! brand new still in the box I'm only 5ft usually 5'4 I love my heels LOL!! being that I'm so petite I felt like it swallowed me.. I've been tempted to sell it or regift it, but I'm glad I didn't!! I think it may come in handy with my baby boy on the way Ava's almost 2 and she's a very active toddler! So you may want to keep one if you plan on having another baby!! 🙂

  5. Thanks for posting this! I'm due on the 21st, so it is really awesome to read all of the new mommy must haves I've seen lately! 🙂

  6. Thanks for all your helpful tips! I love hearing any advice new moms have, I'm due In 4 1/2 weeks and It's a nice reminder to make sure I have what I need! On the Mamaroo I would totally recommend it. I know my baby girl isn't here yet but we decided to get this instead of a big bulky swing! It's super cute and modern looking and it does not take up a lot of space, plus the features on it are pretty cool! We already have ours seat up so I hope she loves it and I've herd nothing but good things about them! I hope you find one that works for you but it sounds like everything is going great so far! Congrats, your lil Ava is adorable:)

  7. I do not know all of the baby stuff that is out there, but it looks like you got some great stuff. My best friend had her baby a year ago this may and when I went to the baby shower I was amazed at all the cool things they have to help moms and babies out! Hope everything is going well. 🙂

  8. Hi Andee,

    I know I have told you before but I work for a really unique shop in Santa Ana. Were two stores under one roof, Road Less Traveled; OC's first modern natural living and education shop. And Belly Sprout; OC's first natural living store for moms baby & families. We just had our grand re-opening party last weekend, wish you could have come.

    We sell quality products for eco-friendly lifestyles including items for mom, baby, kids, housewares, bath, beauty and workshops of all sorts from mom and baby yoga to wine and cheese pairing.

    And to answer your question about carriers, we have BOBA baby carriers, and I swear every mom that tries one on feels INSTANT relief on their back!

    Road Less Traveled Store

    Belly Sprout

  9. I am with you on the carrier, I too hated the Moby. I never felt like the baby was secure. In the end I went with Chicco. For swings… have you tried the Fisher Price lamb swing ? I felt like that was a newborn must. I didn't see you mention storage for your BM. I used the Lansinoh brand as the Medela bags would split down the side. I found this out the hard way. Also only put about 3-4 oz in each bag as it expands in the freezer.

    1. oh so good to know i will def check out the lamb swing! I also have the lansinoh freezer bags but haven't been able to freeze any milk yet. We always end up using it that day or the next. xo

  10. Aden and Anais blankets are great! So many usages and they are breathable and safe! We ended up ditching our Moby and Baby Bjorn for th Chicco with our little girl too! We have tried every swing under the planet and like the Bright Starts swing because it's not as expensive and lays back or sits up and is portable! It is amazing how much yearn about baby gear very quickly! Xo

  11. Wow, I haven't checked your blog in a few weeks…and your beautiful baby girl has arrived! Congratulations…she is just perfect. I must make it a point to come by more frequently 😉 xx

  12. We got the Mamaroo and our son only enjoyed it for a week or two and than he didn't seem be comforted in it on any setting. I DID find that he loved the white noise sound, but only when it was on very loud. It also sadly, stopped swinging after a few months so we are going to be returning it. Not sure if it happens often but we will be returning it as we only got a few months use out of it. My MIL ended up buy a fisher price swing and he loved it! Also, the HALO sleepwrap is THE BEST…it helps they feel secure and sleep so well when all bundled up. Hope that helps xoxo

  13. I love your products & reviews! I'm still debating if I want to get the Co-Sleeper?? I plan on breastfeeding and have heard GREAT things. I plan on having her sleep with us for the 1st 3months. Do you LOVE it?? My sister has a bassinet she can give me, so I'm trying to weigh the pros & cons before I go out and buy. Also. LOVE your breastfeeding must haves! I'm so anxious/nervous/excited to nurse. 6more weeks until my little lady arrives!

    1. congrats to you Lauren!! I have no complaints about our co sleeper it was perfect for us for the first four months esp since I was breastfeeding and didn't have to get out of bed for night feedings. I never used a bassinet so I can't comment on that but LOVED our co sleeper!

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