My Must Have Baby Gear!

Happy Friday ladies! It’s crunch time over here trying to get everything organized before our little one arrives! It was such a trip pulling out all the baby equipment to wash and clean earlier this week! How is it that its only been a couple years since the “baby stages” but I feel like I have forgotten so much already?! I swear the to do list is never ending but it felt good hitting up Nordstrom this week to check off some the items on our to get list! Today i’m sharing our must have baby products (that we loved with Ava) and are restocking up on this time around as well!

Here are some of my products we can’t do without….

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We always stock up on swaddle blankets and Aden & Anais are our favorite (now lets just hope we remember how to swaddle ;)! They also make crib sheets, hooded towels and wash clothes which are also staples in our house. As for a double stroller we knew we didnt want one that was side by side (kudos to you moms who can maneuver those things!I took out everything when I tried out my sister in laws the other day 😉 We ended up ordering the Baby Jogger City Select! You guys who have been following for awhile know we had the Uppa Baby Vista with Ava (and loved it) but unfortunately with the 2012 model the only second seat adapter option is one that faces inward and looks at the back of a another seat. If any of you have toddlers you probably know it is hard enough to get them to stay in a stroller let alone when they have to face inward looking at the back of another seat. The 2015 Uppa Baby has an outward facing option but I would have to buy the 2015 version. Once I compared the Uppa Baby Vista 2015 and Baby Jogger City Select I found them to be extremely similar but the Baby Jogger was a few hundred dollar cheaper. So we placed our order and can’t wait the Baby Jogger to come in. (ps thank you to the moms who recommended it on another post I did!!) I’ll do a follow up post on the stroller once we have received it and tested it out for awhile. I also included the Uppa Baby G Luxe and G Lite stroller as a great travel option/ lightweight stroller. We have definitely got our moneys worth out of it over the years! Now to look for a double umbrella stroller!
 You ladies who have been following for awhile also know we loved our Marc Jacobs diaper bag! I’ve pulled that bad boy out again and plan on using for this pregnancy too! We have used it SO much and it’s still in great condition! I HIGHLY recommend this diaper bag and have zero complaints about it. I love that its all black and the hubby has no problems carrying it around as well. If your men aren’t a fan of the diaper bag look i’ve included a “diaper dude”cross the body bag option for a more sporty on the go dad 😉 For teethers (yikes having to enter that never ending territory again!) we love the Zoli sticks and of course the Sophie giraffes. The Wubba Nub pacifiers worked the best with Ava because they’re attached to a little animal for the baby to hold on to. Lastly the Doctor Browns gift set is a great gift for a friend or for yourself. We used those bottles, drying rack and bottle warmer so much when Ava was a baby!

I hope this post was helpful for you ladies and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what your “can’t do without” baby products are!

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  1. Great list!! Trust me, I felt the same way like I forgot how to do all things newborn, but some of it comes back as you dive back into it. 😉 Definitely, A&A blankets and Wubbanubs are the BEST!! I like the Johnson's face/hand wipes now that our baby #2 is a few months old – her big brother loves to kiss on and hold her hands and with her starting to chew on them, I like to wipe them down every once in a while to avoid major germ transfer. 🙂 Also, for a little boy, they tend to pee ALL OVER ALL THE TIME so I found having the waterproof liner (Boppy and Munchkin brands) on the changing pad helpful so I didn't have to constantly remove the whole cover to wash .

  2. I also agree with the Marc Jacobs bag (roomy and stylish), MaxiCosi (really great for extended rear-facing), Aden & Anais swaddles and JellyCat toys (the Master is still bffs with his elephant).

    I agree with Laureen above me re the whole waterproof changing pad cover – boys pee ALL the freakin time and it got real tiresome having to wash the normal covers. I ended up putting the one that came with the Marc Jacobs bag on top of my change mat cos I could just wipe up any wee in a sec!

    My must-have baby item has to be the Mountain Buggy Nano as a travel stroller; super lightweight, can take a carseat, basket underneath can carry about 5kg and the best part, it folds up into a carry bag that can fit in the overhead compartment of most planes (apart from the realllly tiny ones – I put it under the seat in front of me in those cases). When my friend with no baby saw me use it one day and saw me quite literally fling it open with 1 hand, her jaw-dropped and said she was DEFINITELY getting one too (one day) hahaha 😀

    1. isn't the Marc J diaper bag the best?! We have taken that thing everywhere and it is still in such great condition! i havent looked in to the mountain buggy nano yet but am off to do so now!!

    1. you know someone else mentioned that swing too! We have one we used with Ava but its pink and purple and somehow my husband thinks our newborn is going to notice the pink color lol So I may have to go check that one out!! xo

  3. Love reading about other mom's favorite baby items! I am due with my 2nd boy this June (my oldest is 2), so I need a refresher as well! I think I may have forgotten how to swaddle too… 😉 One baby item we have loved is the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Soothe and Glow Seahorse. It is seriously amazing at helping baby calm down at any time! We actually still use it in our son's crib and he loves turning it on himself, even in the middle of the night if he wakes up he sometimes turns it on and it helps soothe him back to sleep. Highly, highly recommended! Here is the link:

    I also love anything Aden + Anais. I'm wondering if any other moms have recommendations for a good swaddle blanket though? We did Halo Sleep Sack Swaddles with our first and I wasn't a huge fan of the swaddle, I loved the sleep sack alone as he got older but I was wondering if anyone has tried the Miracle Swaddle Blanket?

    Also, do you use any sort of bottle sterilizer? I'm wondering if we need one for our 2nd but would love to hear what other moms did!

    Thanks for your list and tips, Andee!

    1. isn't it so crazy how much you forget!! Thanks for your suggestions I'm going to look into that Seahorse! I know we used a glow worm when Ava was little but no idea where that is now! Oh and i think a few moms left a comment on my instagram post about sleep sack swaddles. I am going to go look at those now because we had one with Ava and it was not a good one so fingers crossed we find a better option this time around! xo ps congrats to you too on your little one on the way!

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