Moto Inspired

Morning loves! Its been a busy week running around like a crazy woman trying to get everything ready for our Halloween Party this weekend! (ps remind me not to throw one in the future lol) I am excited to see it all come together and for Ava to have her 1st little Halloween party! She has loved helping pick out all the spooky decorations so far! Anyhow todays look are with some fab pieces from NastyGal! I have always been a fan of a cropped jacket but even more so now with a prego belly!
Most days I run errands in comfy casual pieces but its nice to get a little dressed up on the weekends (especially being pregnant) and kind of feel like your old self again. 😉 This cropped moto jacket, distressed skinnies and ankle strap sandals are an easy but still edgy look for a night out. 
I’ve been eyeing these Givenchy Sunglasses for awhile now and scooped them up from SmartBuySunglasses. This pair was $100 less on their site than they were on Shopbop!  If you’ve been looking for a particular pair i’d suggest checking their site. They have TONS of fab designer shades!
(24 Weeks Pregnant) 
If you’ve been following my blog for awhile you know i’ve been raving about Susana Monaco tops and dresses for years! They are a bit pricey but they the quality and fit are amazing and not to mention they last forever! This is not a maternity top but are super flattering on baby bumps! They are soft, stretchy and have some ruching which is a prego girls best friend! I wore them a ton on my last pregnancy and pretty sure i’ll be rocking them a lot this pregnancy as well!
Photos by SteadyJenny
Cheap Monday Jeans c/o Nastygal
Susana Monaco Top  (more colors HERE)
Shoe Cult Sandals c/o Nastygal
Jerome Dreyfuss Leopard Bucket Bag
Givenchy Sunglasses c/o SmartBuyGlasses

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  1. Andee, I have a question for you. Do you take maxi hair tablets when you're pregnant/breastfeeding? I just started taking it as I have thin hair. But wondering if I need to when we plan for the second baby. Appreciate your response..

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