Mother’s Day and Toddler Style Part2

I hope you all had a beautiful Mothers Day today! I’m sure you have heard it all before but it TRULY is the most amazing blessing in the world to be a mommy. Yes some days are REALLY tough, and your patience will constantly be tested, your house will be a disaster for at least 70% of the day, the laundry will never end and you will bicker with your hubby over silly things like never before but….you wouldn’t change a second of it because it is the best thing that truly could ever happen to you! Wishing you all the best mamas day today and I hope you treated yourself to a BIG glass a vino.You deserve it!
Okay on to todays post. Just sharing a few more cute pieces I scooped up from Nordstrom last week that I didn’t get to squeeze in to the other post…..

I am SO obsessed with these little printed shorts and rocker tees that I went back and picked them up in another color! They’re super light weight and prefect for Summer.
and of course had to snatch up these Baby New Balance Sneaks! 

You can get the look with these pieces….

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  1. Happy Mother's Day Andee! Thanks for sharing your daughter's cute outfits…I bought some jean shorts like the ones you posted at Costco for like $8. I love the tshirts you posted, it's fun dressing them up your style. Hope you had a lovely day!

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