Merry Christmas!

I hope you ladies had a Merry Christmas! I just wanted to say a quick thank you for all the love and support throughout the year! You girls really are the sweetest and am so thankful for you and all the friendships i’ve made through here! So MERRRRRRRY CHRISTMAS from our family to yours! I was waiting to share our Christmas photos till after our cards went out but seeing how that STILL has not happened (whoops!) I figured I could share a few now. 
I wanted our photos to be really simple and easy which is not always the case when you’re shooting a toddler and try adding your pet in the mix as well. The best piece of advice I can give for tackling family photos is just go with the flow. For example we drove quite a ways to a beautiful wilderness park to shoot our pictures and were denied entry because we had our dog with us and pets weren’t allowed. So we all hopped back in the car and started looking for any random spot to shoot our pictures. Luckily we stumbled upon an orchard and were able to trespass sneak in for a couple shots. With a cranky toddler who’s nap time was creeping up, running after our dog to keep her in the shot, literally sweating in our Winter’ish attire and getting rained on we thankfully managed to still get some cute shots! So hang in there and try not to stress! Any picture of everyone looking in the same direction with eyes open is a success in my opinion! 😉 So here we go a few shots from our family Christmas photos….

of course my favorite one! 
Photos taken by the lovely Steph Anderson Photography

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  1. OH MY GOSH hon, these are so precious!! I can not believe you got Lou to sit in that wagon and kiss Ava…so precious! I love that shot!! I love all the photos and they turned out so great! You had me giggling when reading about your experience, so true about going with the flow! Hope you had a merry Christmas! 😉

    1. the jacket is from Urban Outffiters a couple years ago (but they still carried it last year) the boots are by Ugg (you can find them still on ebay) hope this helps xo

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