Memorial Day Sales

Happy Memorial Day weekend ladies! Unfortunately for us this is the first weekend all month where we’ve had May gray weather ;( So much for a beach filled weekend. Being lazy inside has led to lots of online shopping this morning and you know there are tons of sales so I thought I would share a few more picks.
Barneys Warehouse has some crazy makeup downs right now….

* Click on the set for more details

These bags are a STEAL! Loving the Joie totes and Rebecca Minkoff bags!

And a little something for the kiddos at GAP! Enter code word EVENT at checkout for 40% off!!!

and I’m not going to lie I had a bit more fun shopping for a little dude! 😉

How cute are these little sunnies, cut offs and board shorts?!! So sweet!

Anyhow I hope you ladies have a great long weekend and thats its much sunnier where you are!! 

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  1. You are just the sweetest! Love reading your posts! Very inspirtational & down-to-earth at the same time–not an easy combo! xo from DC.

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