Mama Cruisin’ (Stokke Stroller Review)

Okay lovelies I posted a picture on instagram with this stroller and so many of you asked about it so today i’m doing a full post on it.  I wanted to use it for a few weeks to make sure I could give the best and most honest review possible so here we go!  
The kind people at Stokke sent their Crusi stroller to me a few weeks ago and have to say it is seriously ammmmazing (and i’m not just saying that because it was gifted)! First and for most I LOVE the simple and sleek design of it! If you are a mama of two you know pushing a double stroller is a GAME CHANGER and can be so heavy and hard to steer. The absolute best part about this stroller is that it is SUPER easy to maneuver and is SO much lighter than any other double stroller i’ve tried. It honestly feels like you are only pushing a single stroller (even with both kids in it). This stroller is a bit pricey but you honestly are getting what you pay for and you can really feel the difference! 
I’ll be completely honest I did have my doubts about the second seat option. I just figured Ava wouldn’t want to sit in the bottom portion but she LOVES it! We’ve used it for a couple weeks now and she still thinks it super cool and fun to climb in and out.  I love that I can also see she’s still in there. With our other stroller I can’t see over the baby seat to make sure Ava is still in front (as you know toddlers like to jump on and off). With this one she can’t make her way out unless I stop first and I like that.
Now let me get sidetracked and drool over this frozen banana! Ava had her first one and needless to say she was a fan!

Okay back to the stroller… I never looked at the manual once and figured out how to use it in a snap! The ride is super smooth, the umbrella part of the stroller is firm/crisp and you can just tell it’s really good quality. To put the stroller in the car I click the two buttons on the side, pop off the top seat, put it in the back of my car then click the handlebar and it slide all the way in to bottom and put the whole bottom section with the bottom seat in tact in the car and DONE! It’s super easy and love that there’s no folding and unfolding involved or that I have to remove two seats. 
Now for the downside the only bummer is that there isn’t a big space for a diaper bag when it’s being used a double stroller. There is enough space under the second seat to put the necessities like a few diapers, wipes and a bottle butttt we are still in the infant stage where I need the bag and the million random things in it. So when I have to bring it with me I unclick one side of the lap bar (not pictured here as I forgot to put it on that day) and put my diaper bag handles through and click it back in. Viola problem solved! It hangs off to the side and and doesn’t rub against anything. I also ordered this cup holder  for it because of course we need our spot for a bottle or mama’s coffee 😉
Ava’s top // Shorts// Chucks  
A little someone always LOVES to help ( a little too much sometimes 😉
We still use our other stroller as well but I had the hubby leave this one in my car because it’s the easiest, lightest and the one I use the most now. I hope this review was helpful for you mamas and mamas to be! 
Sibling Seat c/o Stokke

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