Major Nursery Inspo

Happy Monday Honeys! I’m sharing some MAJOR NURSERY INSPO today from images i’ve been pinning on my PINTEREST boards over the last few months! I have to admit being so busy with Ava, my creativity level for doing a second nursery had little steam from the start! Did that happen to you mamas as well on your second babe?!  So thank goodness for good ol’ Pinterest for all the great ideas and helping a mama out! Here are some nurseries that are inspiring me (both girl and boy nurseries)…..
Perfect little corner for bed time stories or nursing
Loving the decals on the wall! 
Great little mini gallery above dresser! 
Pretty much everything about this nursery…that rug and chandelier are everything! 
More more style loving all the neutrals! 
So sweet with the decals, colors and hamper! 
More my style again with the neutrals 😉
and major closet inspo because Ava’s closet looks nothing like this lol 
Here’s to hoping I can finish up his nursery in the next couple weeks before he arrives! 
Hope you loves all have a great week! 

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