Lucas One Year Update!

I can’t believe that our little Luca is already a year old! They aren’t lying when they say it goes by so much faster the second time around! I am so sorry I have been so bad about documenting his milestones like I did with Ava. I can totally see now why my mom has baby album after baby album of my older brother and only one small one for me lol. When the second baby comes it’s definitely chaos just trying to keep up with it all! But here we go with a little recap of how it’s been with two babes

Luca is the sweetest, yummiest babe and will just melt you with his little grin! I can’t believe he is such a flirt already! Any waitress, girl at the checkout, or friend that comes by he turns into a total ham! He really is just such a good baby (even if he still wakes up once a night!) He just started sleeping through the night within the last month and there are still some random nights when he still wakes up once. We did some sleep training with Ava and it was the best thing we could have done for all of us. With Luca he was so easy to put to sleep at night that we really didn’t have to.  I think we were just pretty spoiled with Ava who slept 7pm to 7am every night starting at 5.5 months. Here’s to hoping for more sleep soon! (A mothers dream right?!)

Luca say’s “mama”,”dada”, and “baba” and loves to shake his head and say “no no no”. Guess he caught on to that word quickly after hearing it so often. 😉 He started taking a few steps at around 11 months and now he is off and running! I am TOTALLY seeing what you mama’s were talking with having boys vs having girls. He is all about climbing on just about anything, throwing stuff, and even now trying to head butt! I would love to try to video tape him when I try to dress him after his bath. It is pure comedy hour because I can’t keep this kid still! He’s only one so I can ONLY imagine what craziness the next couple years bring.

Having two kids wasn’t as hard of a transition for me because I was already in my mommy role and wasn’t as clueless and anxious like I felt the first time around. However the first few months after Luca arrived it was definitely a big adjustment period for Ava. She has just hit the three year mark, as I love to refer to it as the “threenager” stage 😉 and someone else stealing all our attention was a bit rough on her. With a new baby literally attached to one of us all day long Ava was pretty emotional and needy. Add on me being sleep deprived, hormonal and recovering from delivery and let’s just say the first few months were a little rough for all of us.
Luckily the second time around we knew what to expect and knew there was an end in sight. After  about four months things really started to fall into place. Ava got adjusted to her new brother and she is SO good with him. I honestly couldn’t believe how early I saw a little bond forming between the two of them! She is such a good big sissy and really is such a big helper! My husband was ready to start trying for our second child after Ava’s first birthday and there was just no way I was ready for it at that time. At around Ava’s second birthday I started to feel like I could entertain the idea of baby #2. They are three years apart and honestly the age difference has been so great for us. We had Ava potty trained, in pre school a few days a week and sleeping in her big girl bed all before Luca arrived and that helped SO much

She is forever all up in his face lol. I swear sometimes I think he is going to hate because she can be pretty obnoxious at times but he LOVES it!
(Sissy sharing her chocolate sucker;)

Life isn’t always perfect (I often like to remind people that what you see on instagram etc is just a “highlight reel”) while it is amazing there are definitely days that I don’t “tackle it all”. I try my best but always feel like my to-do list is never ending! I used to feel defeated but now I try to remind myself just do what you can. My cooking and meal prep is something that I have really lagged on lately. I used to be so diligent about it but now by the time 5pm rolls around I’m exhausted and the last thing I want to do is cook and do dishes. I do still try to make sure that the snacks and food that I do keep in the house are healthy and easy. I always stock up on quick and healthy snacks for the kids, so when Plum reached out to me try their new Grow Well line, there was no hesitation!

I’ve posted on Plum before as you girls know I’ve been using their line since Ava was a baby.  We are constantly on the move here so I am all for healthy snacks that the kids love that I can toss in my diaper bag and go!

The Grow Well line has four different pouches which are all organic and have no GMO’s . The Grow Well Bone is made with Greek yogurt and leafy greens and provides 15% of their daily calcium to help support growing bones. The Grow Well Muscle provides 20% of their daily protein to help support developing muscles. The Grow Well Tummy has 3 grams of fiber to help support digestion health and The Grow Well DHA is made with chia seeds and has 180mg of omega 3’s. These little pouches pack a big nutritional punch and are perfect for on the go (and are a hit with even picky eaters)!

We also their Hello Meals line. These are perfect when you don’t have a ton of time. I think I’ve even posted these on one of my Honeybee Health posts too. Luca is a huge fan of the blueberry, banana and quinoa oatmeal and also the apple, cinnamon and quinoa flavor oatmeal  too. Luca has been using the Little Yums a lot lately for teething too. Basically we used a TON of the Plum line for years and definitely recommend it to you mamas!

The Plums puffs are always in my shopping cart! We’ve love to use these when we are out at restaurants as Luca loves the taste and are super easy for him to pick up. Not to mention they make a nice distraction when he starts getting fussy. 😉 The puffs come in a few different flavors but honestly they are all good!
and he always finds them in my diaper bag!
(Luca’s chocolate faced grin;)


This year has gone by in a blink and while I have to admit I’m exhausted on the daily, life has never been better! These two hams are my everything and they just keep getting better! Again so sorry for the lack of updates. I will try to be better about them! If you have any questions I didn’t cover please feel free to comment below and I’ll try to answer them for you!! Hope you all are having a great week!

“Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Plum Organics through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about their Grow Well™ products, all opinions are my own.”

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  1. Wow I cannot believe he is one!! Feels like just yesterday you announced his arrival! We're currently pumping the breaks on baby #3, Our second is 11 mo and the hubs is deff ready for the next but I am no where near ready to entertain that idea. Do you have any reccos for balanzing hormones post partum? My hair loss was way worse this time round 🙁 also trying to get a few mamas point of view on birth control methods. Do you have suggestions? I know you said you are probably done having kids? I want to go back on it but scared that if we do want a 3rd babe that it'll be more difficult. Sorry for the rambling. Such sweet photos thanks for sharing xxox

    1. hi babe! Oh I hear you on the hair loss it was so much worse this time around…and the baby hairs growing back (and sticking straight up) are the worst! As for birth control thats a tough one. I didnt want to get back on birth control and I think were done having babes so the hubby may be looking into a more permanent solution 😉 But we havent pulled the trigger yet.

  2. He's the cutest… Ava is beautiful too! And you look awesome too ! I'm a mom of two, as you are and i'm having a hard time deciding whether or not I want a third… 😉 Having a baby is just the most incredible thing… ! Anyway ! You have a beautiful family !

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