Luca’s Newborn Photos

Morning lovelies! I am a little embarrassed that i’m just now posting these photos that we took 5 weeks ago but better late than never right?! If you have kiddos you know photo taking with them can be a challenge to say the least. So for Luca’s newborn photos I had my girl Love This Photography come over to shoot some simple and sweet pics for our memory books! Honestly I am just SO in love with all of these pictures! Even posting them now just makes me feel so so blessed! There were just too many sweet ones it was hard to chose which ones to post but here are some of my favorites (get ready for photo overload!)….
I wanted to capture all the sweet little details but he will be so big before we know it! 
Ugh baby tootsies! 
His face in this picture is my absolute favorite! 
This face completely melts me! 
Of course there are a lot of “pinning” for inspiration for newborn photos and I had a few shots I wanted Love this crazy Life photography to capture but this one she caught in an organic mommy moment (trying to shhhhush him when he was fussy) is probably my favorite of the bunch! 
She is convinced he is her baby lol
and from the cutting room floor, gotta love this out take! 😉 You know as soon as Ava took her pics her dress came flying off 😉 My photographer clearly is a mom as well because she brought a back up camera to keep toddlers entertained in between pics. Ava wanted to get in on the photag action!
My Sweets!
If you ladies have been following my blog for awhile you know the hubby loathes photo shoots. So it was nice that he listened to my “strong convincing” 😉 that he should be in a couple pics. 
Photos by Love This Photography (and HIGHLY recommend her for all my local ladies!)
Gjemni Moon and Star Necklace (Budget friendly option HERE and HERE and HERE)
Joes Jeans Boyfriend Jeans (similar HERE and HERE)

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  1. Beautiful family!! Can you please share what you're wearing on your eyes, lips, and cheeks? You look stunning!

  2. im all for capturing every precious moment, soooo you know im loving these up right now! SO sweet and you will melt over these every year your little guy turns a year older. (: xoxo

  3. Andee, these photos are amazing. My heart kept melting more and more as I scrolled down!! Congratulations once again on a healthy and happy family!!

  4. These are stunning! I told myself for my second babe I would for sure get professional photos done but it was all just a whirlwind and I kind of forgot. So bummed

  5. Andee
    Do you have any Mother's Day gift recommendations? I need some gift ideas for a first time mom.
    Thank you!

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