LOTD 7 months pregnant

I’m officially living in leggings now! I kept reading other pregnant women rave about them and now I know why! They are crazy comfy!

These leggings are from H&M but I’m headed to the Gap to check out theirs this week. James Perse tee, Urban Outfitter military jacket and scarf, OTK Steve Madden boots and Alexander Wang bag.

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  1. love those boots !! (the whole outfit, really) i lived in leggings and tank tops from Urban Outfitters while pregnant, esp in my 3rd trim. do you know the name of your Steve Madden OTK boots or where where you purchased yours?

  2. I love love leggings!! I have many from H&M too…and I'm not even pregnant, lol! 😉 They look super fab on you and I'm loving that outfit. And I wanted to mention in your previous post you have got to be the most gorgeous pregnant women (in a bikini for that matter!) ever! Hope you're settling in nicely in Cali! 🙂

  3. really loving your new mama stylings! i can`t wait to be pregnant (okay maybe i CAN wait) so i can take some tips from you!


  4. I LOVE leggings! I like the thicker ones from JCrew and Club Monaco (they have some nice colors and styles right now). I also love Anthropologie's leggings – they are thinner for warmer weather (but not see thru) but they have an in-built shaper which I don't think would work for you right now. Love your outfit for the day!

  5. I had heard that leggings are really comfy, but I never used them. Now that I'm not preggo and have lost the weight, I'm looking for cute unique leggings. I will check H&M. You look awesome BTW mama 🙂

  6. Splendid has SUPER soft and comfy leggings too! Do you know where the Red Balloon is on 17th Street? It looks like a kid store but they have adult clothing in the back. They have a ton of cute things…a lot of which can double for maternity…including leggings! 🙂

  7. I have lived in my maternity leggings from old navy and gap! I don't know what I would have done without them. 🙂
    I'm going in to have my little bebe in a few hours…wish me luck!
    <3 Sarah

  8. I'm still on a search for leggings that aren't see through, haven't tried Gap though…maybe that's the next place I'll try. xo Jet

  9. love ur blog andee! loving ur baby bump!! by chance do you know the name of ur steve madden OTK boots?! I've been looking for OTK riding boots!! thanks! and god bless

  10. @MrsAc and @Angelica glad you girls like the boots they are great! I posted a link to them one page over under "holiday goodies" collage I did. ( you can also type that in on the search box at the top of my page and it should come up)

  11. @xoxo thanks love they are called the OTTOWA boot and i just posted a link on on them today. @Terri congrats love! You should def check out Gap maternity leggings…they are beyond comfortable!
    @Acherrydisposition thank you so much that is so sweet xoox

  12. Hello! I'm a new follower & love your blog! I have been searching for these OTK boots and cannot find them- I even went on the next page and followed your link to try and find them. Basically, I'm at a loss. Can you tell me the name of them? I'm dying for black boots this fall and where I live fall comes early. 🙁 any help would be wonderful- thank you!!!

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